Put an ocean and a river between everything, yourself and homeAuthor:
sunnyreaRating: R
Characters/Pairings: Cinna, OCs, Gen
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Summary: It is very uncommon, some would say utterly unattainable, for anyone to live in a district different from that which they were born... But not impossible. The life of Cinna Bell before the 74th Hunger Games.
Why you should read this ...
Well, first of all, Cinna backstory! Surely you were intrigued by Cinna and his choices.
littlenotebook suggests a richly detailed background for Cinna, which seems odd at first, but definitely fits his character in the series. It's the kind of story which you read and go, oh, so that's why he did that in the book. Don't let the mention of OCs put you off (it's almost a given, when speculating about a character whose background we know little about). There are many references to the ones we do know, too, (Haymitch, Finnick) and although they appear in very minor roles, they are in-character and well-written. It's a very original look at a character that definitely needs more fic about him!