REC: Stealing Christmas (Jake, Marco, Tobias, Ax, Gen)

May 01, 2016 16:14

Title: Stealing Christmas
Author: FrenchRoast
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Jake Berenson, Marco, Tobias, Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthil, Gen
Fandom: Animorphs

Summary: The guys meet to discuss an exceptionally devious Yeerk plan for the holidays ...

Why you should read this …
Yeerk plots! Animorph dialogue! And the reveal at the end … I can't really praise this properly without spoiling it, but suffice to say it was a highly satisfying fic.

rec_author: [frenchroast], rec_character: [marco], rec_fandom: [animorphs], rec_length: [one-shot], rec_character: [aximili], rec_character: [jake berenson], rec_character: [tobias], rec_pairing: [gen]

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