REC: The Medicine Makers (Raffin/Bann)

May 22, 2016 16:28

Title: The Medicine Makers
Author: Sharksdontsleep
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Katsa, Raffin/Bann
Fandom: Graceling

Summary: A mysterious cleric, an incurable poison, a kingdom in conflict. Canon-typical violence. Nothing too graphic.

Why you should read this …
Graceling fic! It's about time; lovely series, but I haven't seen much fic around. Anyway, this fit right into Kristin Cashore's universe--the narrative felt right, good characterisation, and a lovely look at Raffin in particular.

rec_character: [bann], rec_pairing: [raffin/bann], rec_character: [raffin], rec_fandom: [graceling], rec_character: [katsa], rec_author: [sharksdontsleep], rec_length: [one-shot]

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