REC: Teddy Lupin Series (Teddy Lupin, Multiple Characters, Gen)

Aug 26, 2007 19:46

Title: Teddy Lupin Series
Author: fernwithy
Rating: Ranges from G-R
Characters/Pairings: Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter, Andromeda Tonks, Victoire Weasley, OCs, Gen
Fandom: Harry Potter

Summary: A four-part series about Teddy Lupin. (Individual story summaries under the cut.)

Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard
It's been eleven years since Harry Potter brought an end to Voldemort; eleven years of peace, eleven years of recovery.

But not every wound can be healed. Teddy Lupin is loved and wanted by his family, adored by his grandfather, welcomed in the extended Weasley clan, and happy that he's about to start at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but he still feels the loss of his parents and the last lingering traces of the war.

As he begins his Hogwarts life, he finds connections to his past that he never suspected... and manages a bit of mischief as well!

Teddy Lupin and the Hunter's Moon
Teddy Lupin has a good group of friends at Hogwarts, and has learned to connect to his past and to his parents, but his third year brings challenges he never imagined.

First of all, Fenrir Greyback has escaped from Azkaban, and he's made it a priority to cleam what he feels is his: Remus Lupin's only son. With his pack of vicious werewolves, including a dangerous new moll from France, he plans to see to it that Teddy is turned... or killed.

And, as if that weren't enough trouble for one year, Victoire Weasley is starting at Hogwarts, and one of Teddy's best friends, Ruth Scrimgeour, seems suddenly quite pretty...

Teddy Lupin and the Daedalus Maze
It's Teddy Lupin's fifth year at Hogwarts, a time to start making decisions about the future -- but Teddy finds himself increasingly trapped in the past, both by his chosen path toward the Department of Mysteries and his growing anger at his parents' empty deaths.

When his beloved Uncle Harry tells him a truth he never suspected, his fury creates danger not just for himself, but for everyone around him... and the only way out of the labyrinth of his own mind is to go all the way in.

Teddy Lupin and the Needle's Eye
Teddy Lupin, healed from his experiences in the Daedalus Maze, is enjoying his life and looking forward to his final year with his friends at Hogwarts. But the war everyone had thought long over comes crashing back into their lives when a serial killer appears and starts targeting Voldemort's collaborators.

Working with the Department of Mysteries and his ex-girlfriend, Ruthless -- now an Auror in training -- Teddy and the Smallest Year must come together one last time to solve a mystery and help the wizarding world finally come to terms with its own past.

Why you should read this ...
As with anything written by fernwithy, this is a vivid, colourful, well-portrayed piece of work. The fic is firmly grounded in canon, even though it's a second-gen fic. The original characters - Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione - are a perfect extrapolation into adulthood. It takes Teddy from first year to seventh in four parts (years 1, 3, 5, and 7), which are each good enough to read as stand-alones, but why would you want to? The entire series is a beautifully developed arc that expands the post-war magical world beautifully.

rec_character: [teddy lupin], rec_length: [chaptered], rec_character: [andromeda tonks], rec_pairing: [neville/oc], rec_character: [fenrir greyback], rec_author: [fernwithy], rec_character: [neville longbottom], rec_pairing: [teddy/victoire], rec_pairing: [teddy/oc], rec_character: [victoire weasley], rec_character: [oc], rec_pairing: [gen], rec_fandom: [harry potter], rec_character: [harry potter]

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