REC: From Mathematics Further Off (Meg Murry, Gen)

Jan 02, 2008 22:29

Title: From Mathematics Further Off
Author: fox1013
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Meg Murry, Alex Murry, Kate Murry, mostly Gen but some Calvin/Meg at the end
Fandom: Time Quartet

Summary: Meg sees them all fading into patterns.

Why you should read this ...
Here is an excellent portrait of Meg Murry as she grows up. The characterisation is fabulous, and the tale told through the years is very touching. You'll really find yourself in Meg's head, seeing through her eyes.

rec_fandom: [time quartet], rec_author: [fox1013], rec_length: [one-shot], rec_pairing: [calvin/meg], rec_character: [alex murry], rec_pairing: [gen], rec_character: [meg murry], rec_character: [kate murry]

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