REC: Hermafrosts (Fred/Angelina)

Aug 18, 2008 11:33

Title: Hermafrosts
Author: annafugazzi
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Angelina Johnson/Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Lee Jordan
Fandom: Harry Potter

Summary: Never take a Weasley twin up on a dare. And never say never.

Why you should read this ...
This is a pretty long 'one-shot' (it's actually in three parts on weasley_fest, hence the 'chaptered' classification), but it's really amazing in terms of plot and characterisation. This pairing is hardly one that I normally get into, but the author made it believable, interesting, humorous (which is probably a pre-requisite for anything twinsy), and touching. It's set during DH, so there are all the details which link it to canon, and make the whole thing very, very real.

rec_character: [angelina johnson], rec_character: [george weasley], rec_length: [chaptered], rec_character: [fred weasley], rec_author: [annafugazzi], rec_character: [lee jordan], rec_pairing: [fred/angelina], rec_fandom: [harry potter]

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