Nagagutsu de kampai!

Jul 31, 2009 13:02

I apparently had a lot going on these two days 0_0. Gearing up for my Miyazaki trip (My notes suck for this particular trip, so it might take a while to sort them out. 0_0)

Friday, June 4 (continued)

People have been unprecedentedly nice today -_-?????
I’m usually totally ignored. I guess it’s good ^_^?

Anyway, I was walking to school today when about halfway between the bus-drop off station and campus when a girl struck up a converstation with me.
It seems she was interested in the Evergreen program but there was no way she could afford it (She thought I must be rich or something…haha NO. Pfft, I'm in debt up to my ears and bothering the crap outta my dad >_>
About the only way I won’t have to fake my own death for the insurance money to pay for this is if I become an international pop star sensation....Good thing that’s what I was going to do anyway.)
So that was kinda interesting, although I didn’t catch her name. She said she’d email me or something when she got home but never did.
On the other hand, although I gave her my Evergreen e-mail (because that’s the easiest one to remember) it’s entirely possible I wrote ‘.com’ instead of ‘.edu’ or something, or she couldn’t read my handwriting. Wouldn’t be too surprised.
I think I was writing it down as I was walking in the rain. That’s not a good combination.
I also gave her my facebook. That seems to be the easiest way to talk to people these days. E-mail, as convenient as it is, has become a pain in the ass.
I never thought technology would come to this. -_-;;;;;;

You know you’re a kid born and raised the internet age when e-mail is too much of a pain in the ass to bother with.

Anyway, right before class it happened again. I girl who (I guess) is in the same class as me decided to finally talk to me. She said that the reason she’d never talked to me before was because she assumed I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone who’s English wasn’t particularly good. Like, that I thought people randomly talking to me would be strange.
Well…Yes! But NO!
I can’t make new friends if I never talk. Its just that, despite how much I like to talk (and do talk, to people I know) I’m surprisingly shy.
I won’t always approach people, but I’m MORE than happy to BE approached <3
Dad can attest to my shyness, because I can see some of you don’t believe me. I used to have trouble even talking to waiters for my order; I was THAT shy. It’s just, once I’ve confirmed you like me and are therefore my friend, I never shut up, so people tend to forget that you have to almost pry my mouth open to get me to say anything at first.
Weird girl. I know.

Anyway, It happened for a third time on my way to the store to grab a mini-carpet for my foor (My poor floor, I’m slowly chipping off the finish with my rolly chair) Some highschool girls said "Hello!”

I was super surprised. That’s something that you only hear about in JET blogs like 'Gaijin Smash' from the 90’s. WHOA. That made me happy.

Maybe I should wear whatever outfit I was wearing more often (It was a really cool outfit, I must say). I can’t think of any other reason people all decided to talk to me.

Saturday, June 5

Late to school. My bad.
Its the school’s fault for having class on Saturday anyway.
I was packing for my Miyazaki trip that I leave for today and forgot that the Saturday bus schedules are strange.
I did manage to call both Dad and Krista before I left. I thought they might like to talk to me or something since I couldn’t promise to have internetz for the next week.
I’ll also call dad to let him know I arrived ater.
Maybe I’ll call him from the boat.

In other news….BOAT!

I’m going to Kyushu by overnight boat! Yay!

Time was a little tight after class I need to somehow make it all the way around the bay thingy in three hours. I should be able to make it, as long as I don't get lost.
I've never gone anywhere near the area before though 0_0.

In class, by the by, I got super annoyed ‘cause I was paired up with Rin and Rai and they kept speaking in Chinese. I don’t think it occurred to them that might annoy me. Anyway, I started getting kind of unresponsive (At first they just kept asking what I thought about the handout. Well, given I couldn't’ read a lot of the handout (kanji~), I didn’t think all that much of it. I don’t think they can ever remember I can’t read most kanji (it’s natural for them, so it doesn’t compute that someone might not be able to read it) so Rai tried to translate it from Japanese to English for me.

Wow, not helpful. Really, you can just read it to me.
It’s amazing, I speak and understand Japanese fine. I just cant read some of the kanji. (I’m tirelessly working on it though! I’ve graduated to slightly retarded fourth grade Reading level >_ never ask someone to translate something from a langage they didn’t totally speak to another language they don’t totally speak. That sounds really painful, actually.
Like, that’s just not good for anyone involved.

I eventually got the gist of it after I specifically asked her just to read the Japanese (I just need a kanji dictionary) and still didn't’ have much to say.
A la' Japan, the questions were really open ended and vague, and fantastic arguments could be made for both sides. They were also very relevant questions to our international student status.
If anything, my comment was ‘good question XD’.
One of the questions, was ‘What do you think of Immigrant workers working in jobs Japanese workers usually occupy (such as Data Entry, Office work, many part time jobs) and what does that mean for Japan’s economy? Should Japan allow more outsourcing and migrant workers?"

So it’s the same as the US’s immigration issue. It’s been a growing problem in Japan as well.

The thing is that there’s no good answer. Its best handles as a careful balance and there are obvious pros and cons for both arguments. (Although the Chinese students, because they want to work in Japan, all said that Japan should let more in without a second thought....>_<;;;;;;; …..Guys….)

Rin and Rin spoke in rapid fire Chinese while discussing pros and cons (mostly reasons for -_-).

I finally just sighed and grabbed my dictionary to at least try and contribute something even though I had no idea what they’d already written down (List was in Chinese too -_-;;; )
I think the basic message of ‘augh’ went across but Rai thought it was because I was unable to voice my opinions in Japanese.

….Yeah that too I guess, but not really. (Mmm, dictionaries are helpful with that, but it’s true, It’s hard to me to really talk in depth about serious sujects like immigration and economics in Japanese for any length of time.)
Anyway, there’s no good way to tell someone that the language they’re speaking to their friend realy isolates you. I know they don’t mean to do it, but I think they forget because of the comfort of talking with someone that is totally fluent in their own language.
I think for some reason Rai and maybe Yukiko are under the impression that I prefer speaking to them in english. I don’t particularly (please talk to me in Japanese! Unless you're specifically wanting to practice your english, in which case I'll always help <3 Kthanxbai) In english, its harder to know if they actually understand what I’m saying, and frequently with Rai, she really doesn’t (Her reading skills are okay, but they aren’t taught conversaion, listening, and speaking for the most part) but it’s also true that I’m not able to get across 100% of what I would like to in Japanese.
I speak too complicatedly and I end up ranting about academic or cultural stuff after a while. I love history too much.

I'll just work on getting better. >_< !!!!!
That wont stop me from being left out when my Chinese friends all collect and speak chinese but....At least I'll be able to read the wrapper for whatever strange Japanese candy is being passed around to kill time.

Anyway, time was tight after school so I ran home to pick up my suitcase. I was able to catch the 3:10 bus to Gakuentoshi (where I made a last minute post office ATM run) and sprinted to the Train. I arrived in Sannomiya at about 4, where I caught the Special Rapid to Osaka. At Osaka I asked someone how I would get to Nanko, the port with the ferry, when I recieved rather confusing directions from a probably scared info desk lady about a connecting subway line (There was an angry foreign guy next to me that wasn’t getting through. He was using English but it was a second language for both of them, so he was getting mad. Scary.)
Well, I found what I was fairly certain was the right subway (Kansai has a billion underground train lines I would consider ‘Subway’ but for them, the companies determine what’s a subway VS metro VS train. Confusing. If they’re underground, they’re a subway....Right? That's the 'sub' part?
My logic doesn’t apply to Japan.

Anywho, I caught the Midosuji (red) line to Daikokujo, where I had to change trains to whatever the dark blue line is.
From there I had to ride to Sumikoen and change trains yet again to Ferry Terminal (This line was the Osaka version of Kobe’s Portliner. I like those trains. They’re sorta tram like, pretty, new, and you can see the ocean.)
From there I caught a bus in the seediest looking bus station I’ve ever seen in my life. Like whoa. It dumped is at a bus stop that literally didn’t exist (just let me off in the middle of the street near a warehouse with a giant ass dragon boat in front of it .

Dragon boat?

YES! Dragon boat!!!

Apparently the Miyazaki ferry either belongs to the Mafia or they’re really big fans of Haku from Spirited away (which would fit. It being Miyazaki prefecture’s ferry and …and…Okay so there’s no connection but it would be cool.)

So after 2 buses and five trains, plus a lot of wandering around confused, I’m finally on my boat. Because I have a student discount, I probably could have swung first class, but I went for 2nd, (the one with the bunk beds, rather than mat on the floor. Sleeping on the floor didn’t seem like the best way to go on a boat. That’s just asking for nauseia) and now I'm contemplating the scary looking buffett.

I gave into the almost edible looking food and I wish I hadn’t.
It would’ve been good to find time to get a bento.
I’ll remember that for next time.

I went out on the deck (although I’m not sure I was supposed to) and took some pictures of the sunset, which looked pretty awesome against the fiery dragon silhouette.

I super wish I had a little more room on my camera (I haven’t been able to empty it out since the last time I went to Japan. ) So it’s been full for forever scince I pretty shutter happy. -_-.

I thought that I might not have to share my room, but at the last minute someone came in. that's okay. I wonder if I should change into my pajamas….

I know I’m not going to bother taking a shower, but I think I will at least change maybe.
I dunno.

Anyway, the boat is cool because it has this swank jazz musac with a weird Hawaiian overtorne playing in the background. It’s kind of hilarious.
I’m looking forward to going out on deck at night too (glad I brought my warm coat, despite the forecast in Miyazaki being cose to that of Hell’s.

I don’t know if I can get to sleep for a while because I’m so excited. <3 BOAT!

I haven’t found an outlet for my computer or anything yet…

……are we moving? WHEE~

It was fun to watch Osaka get farther and farther away, as well as try to guess what city all the clumps of lights were. (I found Awaji!)
When I got cold and came inside, I battled some pokeymans (stupid geodude’s are always self destructing. Rawr.)
I learned I really don’t like Normal type pokemon (then why does most of my party consist of them?...... Oh yeah, ‘cause I haven’t found anything cuter. …
I like cute pokemon. Normal types don't do anything cool.... )
I like cute fire and electric pokemon.

I was supposed to go to a nomikai with the ESS club today, but because of scheduling difficulty with the Miyazaki trip, I had to bail. They called me though, when I was on the boat. They were like: “Where are you?”
And I was like: “In the ocean”
And then they were all like: "In the….What?”
“On a boat”
“…To Miyazaki? Y’now, the big prefecture in Kyushu with all the boozahol? Said I was going this weekend? Yeah? So I can’t make it.”
They passed the phone to the ESS club president, who had the best English even though I was speaking in Japanese….
“Where are you?”
“Boat. In the ocean. I’m not going to make it back to Kobe today”.
“Whut? Say in English please”
"Boat. It floats in the ocean."
“….B-O-A-T, boat?”
“Yeah, no I really meant space shuttle on Mars, Yes BOAT.”

They closeed the deck at ten (laaame) and it won’t reopen until um….six?
Because of lack of outlet (They even charge for an outlet to charge your phone 0_0) I can’t really set my DS as an alarm, It would murder the batteries, so I guess I’ll just hope I wake up early on my own. I’m sure they’ll start making those awesome every half hour obnoxious announcements at sven or something. We get in Miyazaki's port at eight so. Yeah. I ‘m sure they won’t let us sleep past seven thirty.
I’m glad I packed monkey pillow (cabin pillows were literally filled with wood), although I really don’t remember doing it. I think he got in on his own.

I hope Yokiko and Mick like their presents. I didn’t have enough time to get out at Sannoiya and get stuff, so I had to get stuff in Osaka. I think it'll be okay though. Kansai is all really close together anyway. Sannomiya present, Osaka presents...Whatever.

Oh yeah, Today on the way here I saw the AWESOMEST monk guy. He was in Summer monk clothes, which I don’t believe I’ve ever seen, but best of all, HE HAD A CELL.

Can they have those? I guess so. To contact the baldy-bozu headquarters…..?
It was pretty awesome. Not sure why.
Something about those young monk dudes with their emo-boy glasses and black mesh over purple linen robes just screams ‘COOL’.
Rock stars of Nirvana. At least if you're reading Shaman King >_>;

Also, both bus drivers I had in Tarumi were Yakuza-tastic. One had a handle bar mustanche (nice) and the other had swanky sun-glasses (sweet XD. Sunglasses are surprisingly not too common in Japan. A lot of Japanese people think the can’t pull that look off. They make a big deal about mine when I wear them (Augh! the sun! Curse my non-reflective lightly pigmented cornea!) and try them on, but they don’t think it suits them. I think big doofy sunglasses look the same on everyone. They cover like, half your face. There’s nothing visable left not to ‘suit’) .

This boat makes the world’s scariest sounds. 0_0.

boat, japan2009 kobe

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