Title: Fire Fight Author: Amara Anon Email: amara_anon at hotmail dot com Rating: K+ Category: Best Genfic Why: This fic gave me the chance to fill in one of the blanks in Jaken's history. It was fun to take two comical side characters, each with their own obvious physical disadvantages, and pit them against each other in battle. Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2622988/22/30_Shards_of_Jaken
Comments 14
Author: Amara Anon
Email: amara_anon at hotmail dot com
Rating: K+
Category: Best Genfic
Why: This fic gave me the chance to fill in one of the blanks in Jaken's history. It was fun to take two comical side characters, each with their own obvious physical disadvantages, and pit them against each other in battle.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2622988/22/30_Shards_of_Jaken
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