Title: No Regrets Author: calophi Author's email: cal at animejb dot com Rating: K Category: Best Vignette Why you are nomming it: It does a careful and believable job at an unusual ending for InuYasha.
Title: For Love Author: Northstar333 Author’s Email: northstar333 Rating: PG Category: Best Vignette Link: http://northstar333.livejournal.com/25858.html Why: Northstar does a great job showing the dynamic between Kikyou and Kagome and their relationship to one another.
Title: To Wait Author: Neech Author’s Email: flameinferno[at]hotmail[dot]com Rating: T Category: Best Vignette Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2696087/1/To_Wait Why: Sweet, well-written and manages to convey a sense of impatient-but-waiting kind of love (if that makes sense...) in so little words.
Comments 10
Author: calophi
Author's email: cal at animejb dot com
Rating: K
Category: Best Vignette
Why you are nomming it: It does a careful and believable job at an unusual ending for InuYasha.
Author: Northstar333
Author’s Email: northstar333
Rating: PG
Category: Best Vignette
Link: http://northstar333.livejournal.com/25858.html
Why: Northstar does a great job showing the dynamic between Kikyou and Kagome and their relationship to one another.
Author: astarvingwriter
Pairing: Inuyasha+Rin
Rating: G
Category: Best Vignette
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/iy_flashfic/66705.html#cutid1
Reason for Nominating: Excellent characterization and a touching elploration of what could happen after the end.
Author: hellesque
Rating: G
Category: Best Vignette
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/iy_flashfic/68382.html
Why: This story provides a very interesting look at Kikyou and Kagome.
Author: Neech
Author’s Email: flameinferno[at]hotmail[dot]com
Rating: T
Category: Best Vignette
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2696087/1/To_Wait
Why: Sweet, well-written and manages to convey a sense of impatient-but-waiting kind of love (if that makes sense...) in so little words.
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