Minekura-ize me, please!
Name: Kazuki
Age: 16
Astrological sign: Aries
Chinese zodiac symbol: Ram/Sheep
Would you say these signs fit you? I guess they do, I'm somewhat creative but i'm not the leader type person. I can be stubborn, impulsive and...weird...¬_¬''
What animal do you think describes your personality best? Why? ...hmmm....never really put much thought into that but a lot of people say that i resemble a rabbit, since i'm always running/jumping around and like wearing a lot of white clothing(it's pretty).
Describe your "style." (I.E. the way you dress, talk, act, or anything else that makes you you): I don't have a particular style in clothes, just random boyish comfortable clothing, sometimes i would were school uniforms(for the fun of cosplaying as a school girl>__<). the way i talk is rather weird, at least that's what my friends think, i add random chinese words in english sentences(chingish) and use random "chuu" sounds in my sentences (anime influence). I can act like a little kid(if i ever have to take the public transit, less money to waste) and sound mature in the most random times, most of the time, I talk tomboyish.
Likes: Anime, Manga, Pretty Boys, Super Junior, TVXQ, Kpop, Jpop, Jrock, CHpop. plain rings, cross-design necklaces, mp3s, computers, doujinshi, yaoi, shounen ai, voice actors(hoshi souichirou-ism), light novels, Visual Kei.
Talents: Drawing, eating, making things, baking, starring into space
One thing you wish you could do, but can't: I wish i could fly, then i wouldn't have to walk half an hour every morning to school. >.>
One thing you do now that you don't like doing: I get angry easily now, before i had a good control of my temper but now, i tend to yell at others more often because they say things that trigger my annoyance even though before i had no trouble holding it in. because of that i break objects and lose important relations
You like to describe yourself as: I'm very attached to people so i get upset if they ever decide to leave me for others, I'm dependant on my brother, so i got angry when he started hanging out with his girlfriend more often because in my family he is the only one that i can trust, my parents are money-crazy morons. to my friends, i'm too nice and gullible; i always end up using up all my money to buy things for ppl(like lunch)
But your friends think you're really: like i said, they think that's i'm very gullible and nice. though i'm very dependant, and ...somewhat clumsy. ¬_¬
Strengths, personality-wise: I'm not responsible, but i'm a very good listener and will listen to anyone's problem and help them along the way. i'm pretty good at teaching and whenever i teach something to someone, they tend to do better than me.
Weaknesses, personality-wise: I can't be given the responsibilty of taking care of objects like glass, cause i'm clumsy and tend to break them. Every personal problems that i face, i hide it, not telling anyone and in the end i let it out the wrong way and hurt myself emotionally. I'm dependant of others support to keep me stannding.
Are you more of a leader or a follower? Follower.
Are you more hyper or calm? Hyper in some situations and calm in other situations.
Are you more introverted or extroverted? Introverted. "I like making new friends, but I tend to act rather... bland in front of people I don't know. *shrug*" stolen from someone, I totally agree with her. =)
Are you clingy, independent, or something in between? Clingy...>____<
Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why.
I don't have any at the moment. D:
Do you work better in a group or on your own? both, depends on the situation
What are the most important things/people in your life? Why? the most important people in my life are my brother and my friends. I don't care much for my parents since they really never supported me (financially and emotionally). the things that are most important to me are my CDs, music, rings and necklaces, books and my stuff sheep(bday present from a important friend)
Which element (fire, water, wind, etc. etc.) best describes your personality? Why? Fire, I do have the passion to do things that i want, if i want to.
Note: The next four questions are just for fun, and will not affect the voting process in any way.
What's your favorite Minekura manga? saiyuki, i've grown up reading the original stories of Saiyuki and have watched all the chinese series that i can find. I honestly love this series from the bottom of my heart. Goku has always been my favourite and will always be. when i heard about the manga series from my friend in grade 6, i totally flipped. back then, i didn't have much of an anime/manga obsession but saiyuki got me hooked for years. it's been four-five years since i saw the first season and i still can't wait to watch more. I love watching artists improve their style because their first volume isn't always that great, and minekura didn't have such an eye-catching style at first(though her character's personality traits are very fine). she just gets better and better, to me, saiyuki is the very first manga that i would recommend EVERYONE! and i mean everyone(i told me school library to buy the series for our library =D)
other than saiyuki, i would say stigma, it made me teary, and i wish it didn't end and continued on.
Your least favorite? Why? My least favorite? none, i like everything that she makes, will read anything that she'll make.
Who's your favorite character, and why? Goku-chan >___< he's just too adorkable. i can't help but love him. and the fact that he was my childhood idol(like when i was really small)
Your least favorite? Why? hm... i don't like a lot of characters at first, but i guess the one i dislike the most is also from saiyuki, nataku's father Lee Tousen. I hate these kinds of adults who treat their child(ren) as tools because i have experience this kind of problem before though not as severe as nataku.
most i hate adults who say to their children "i gave life to you, so you shall do as i say." or something along the lines of that.