who: koharu, yagyuu
what: ...stuff :D
when: koharu's senior year; mid-year(?)
School has ended; there's no practice for the day (the only day of the week they don't meet for tennis) so she waves goodbye to Mi-chan and Asari. She doesn't go home immediately though, doesn't feel like it yet. So she walks to the courts. The boys have the whole courts for the day. Tomorrow, it would be just the girls.
She stays for a while, by the chain fence, watching Kirihara-kun bark orders, and Marui-sempai's brothers running off, laughing. Probably after setting up a prank they picked up from Niou-sempai. On the other side of the courts, the regulars are having practice matches. She could see Urayama rallying with Nakagawa-kun. It was strange, not seeing the sempai playing on the courts. It's only been a few months since their graduation, but in the past, on these days, she would stay by the bleachers and watch...
Shaking off the thoughts she marches off and out, leaving the school for the shopping district. Maybe a new pair of shoes would distract her for a bit.