1. It must be horror. Cross genre films such as Idle Hands is allowed.
2. It must meet the minimum of 60+ minutes. This shouldn't be too much of a problem for most unless you want to get some silents in. Those will be allowed based on their historical value.
3. It must be a movie. Tv shows, unfortunately, do not count. You can't stack your list by watching episodes of Buffy or Supernatural. You may, however, use one of your three wild cards to watch an episode. Regular tv viewing does not count for the list. Made for tv movies can be counted as they're just regular movies split up.
4. It must be counted once. You can't sit and watch the same movie all month long. Each movie is one count as is it's initial viewing. And no, viewing it with the commentary on immediately after doesn't count either.
Wild Cards: You have three wild cards that you can use any way you'd like. Whether you'd like to use it on an episode on tv or Charlie Brown; it's up to you.