Meep. English Literature gcse tomorrow. Not good. Not even a bit good. I've learnt lots of quotes from the texts but I'm not very good at deciding where to put quotes. Also, this is the first proper long gcse. French speaking wasn't that long, drama wasn't either (and neither of those were in test conditions) and ICT was only an hour and was
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I have a french speaking test tomorrow. My french is awful (and yet I have chosen to study this next year as well for some reason that it almost unknown to me). Also, in my mock French speaking test I revised and knew everything and then the test came and my mouth started talking without even thinkng to discuss what it was saying with my brain. It
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Ha, not much news, as ever. I have a french speaking test on thursday, which is not good. Also, I've finally found this picture of me with my gcse drama make up on. Don't I look scary?
Well. If anyone is interested in how my drama exam wants then listen, everyone else (this means everyone, i suspect) don't bother reading this. It turns out that tuesday isn't worth half of our test mark. Today's performance was worth all of it. Which is why it wasn't so great that I nearly forgot some of my lines. And when I say nearly forgot I
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Ha, apparently tomorrows drama performance (which I thought was just a mock) actually counts towards half of our assesment grade, which makes it 20% of our actual real proper and final grade.....
Oh... my drama gcse is... next week!!!!! And I have to sing in it (I have the worst voice in the world). On the positive side I do get the coolest, most gothic make up ever. I wore it for most of tuesday and scared nearly the whole school
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Hi. I probably haven't updated this for a while because I keep forgetting. My first gcse is two weeks after the easter holidays (I think). It's my drama performance and we don't even completely know what we're doing for it, we haven't finished making up our devising piece. Eeek! I will leave you with some quiz thing about auras.
I don't update this very often, do I? Well, nothing to say unless you care about a weird drama thing i watched. I don't know if it had a plot because nobody watching it knew what it was. At one point they decided to sing about a snail for very little reason. I got told off for the sparkly things in my hair. I'll have to find out if there's a
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