Two Sirius ficlets

Nov 01, 2014 21:13

Hope everyone had a fun Hallowe'en. In honor of the day, here are two ficlets (well, more like drabbles) -- featuring Sirius! Cross-posted from Day of the Black Dog 2014 at sirius_black.

Title: Vol de nuit (136 words, G | Marauder-era)
Characters: Sirius, the motorbike
Summary: The bike was pure power-almost as though the Muggles who made her had kept some ( Read more... )

ficlets, genfic

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Comments 10

merryb87 November 2 2014, 18:28:24 UTC
Really great little drabbles, I really like the second one, even if it made me a little bit sad.


shimotsuki November 6 2014, 01:59:17 UTC
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked these.


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shimotsuki November 6 2014, 01:59:44 UTC
Aww, thanks. I hadn't visited young Sirius in a while...


gilpin25 November 2 2014, 22:42:19 UTC
Oh, these are very nice indeed. Like the descriptive choices in the first, which make it easy to visualise the bike as a powerful feline counterpart, a perfect match in beauty and wildness for Sirius.

The second is such a good little character sketch of the Marauders. How Remus' health counts against him as usual, even though he's unaware of it this time; how Lily, not even unkindly, simply doesn't even consider Peter. And how Sirius charms Harry and her, for the first time and at the right time, too. Lovely. :)


shimotsuki November 6 2014, 02:03:16 UTC
Heh, that first one was totally a deliberate exercise in description, but I haven't done something like that in a while and it was fun to try.

The second one would have benefited from a little more thought and editing, but time was running out, and I did want to post it for the event! It's very sad about Remus, but I imagine even Lily, who (in my headcanon, not that it's an unusual perspective) loved him like a brother, would have to admit that a destitute closeted werewolf in the pre-Wolfsbane era would have a hard time raising a child on his own, especially in wartime...


sspring92 November 6 2014, 05:04:18 UTC
Aw! I love that Remus was Lily's 1st choice for Godfather! Other than the financial aspect, just that one pesky day a month shouldn't have been too much to deal with!


shimotsuki November 9 2014, 03:55:13 UTC
In my headcanon, Lily really loved Remus -- but I think she was worried about what he would be able to manage to do for that pesky one day a month, if she and James weren't around and it was still wartime. (Sniff!)


anonymous November 16 2014, 01:13:46 UTC
And yeah, this is not anonymous, only Mel Dahlie, and I am not a mouse!
Good work.


shimotsuki November 17 2014, 02:37:18 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed these. :)


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