Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.'
I remember all the things she did before
I fed the clues of a lost day killed in motion
A broad incision sits across the evening
Keep me happy, out of line
Sunrise, sunrise, looks like morning in your eyes
I thought I saw a man brought to life
We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
This night, walk the dead
No matter how far we're apart
Don't mind me, just cruising by
Oh sweet child oh
Daybreak, I'm sitting near your grave
It's so beautiful here, she said
Don't stand in this room incomplete and cursing
Now where has it been?
Hey Jack it's me
Staying home alone on a Friday
First one's room is hard to find
Are you listening?
Did you forget that I was even alive?