Title: RESCUE~特別高度救助隊/RESCUE~Pride of Orange
Starring: Nakamaru Yuichi, Masuda Takahisa, Yamamoto Yusuke, Shoei, Kaname Jun, Tanaka Yoji, & Takahashi You
Episodes: 9
Broadcast Dates: 24.01.2009 - 21.03.2009
Note: Reviews include images and may give away spoilers, please click at your own risk!
Kitajima Daichi (Nakamaru Yuichi) is driven by a passion to save people. His drive came from his own experience of being trapped in a landslide and rescued by a Super Ranger by the name of Miyazaki Shiro (Yamamoto Koji). Miyazaki gave his watch and even his own life to save Kitajima when Kitajima was only a young boy.
From the West Station Fire Brigade to SR cadet, Kitajima and the rest of the cadets face many challenges. Not only from training, but from their fellow cadets and their bad attitudes.
From the beginning of the dorama, I wasn't sure if it would turn out to be a good show; however, I think I was wrong because of the realness of the training that the actors had to go through. From rope crossing to running in formation with fire hoses to endless pull ups to pulling yourself up a rope to endless push ups - the training doesn't stop!
After all their hard work of training, numerous cadets, of course, get cut and failed their training. With the cuts come sympathy from fellow cadets who they've become close to.
No matter how tough the training gets, friendship always prevails between Kitajima and his best friend Tetsuka Yutaka (Masuda Takahisa).
I, personally, love how this dorama isn't only about one specific thing: becoming a Super Ranger. It also has the friend factor to it. If anything about a dorama that has the theme "Training" for the main point, it would be quite boring, in my opinion; however, if you add a secondary theme to it, it may become something more.
With it's cute moments, such as saving a puppy floating down a small river to getting sprayed by a fire hose by the owner of a restaurant, this dorama is definitely packed for different types of viewers.
With all the friendly competition with pull ups, you may be surprised at how the outcome may be. Don't forget the cheering when they get free time! I'm especially fond of the silent cheering! RESCUE is definitely worth a watch! I think you'll be somewhat interested at least!
Will Kitajima fulfill his dream of becoming a SR? Will his best friend Tezuka make it with him? If not, how will he react?