no dollhouse until december ):

Oct 23, 2009 21:46

Spoilers and lengthy, fangirlish rambling under the first cut.

Woe is me.

But am I crazy for beginning to ship Sierra and Topher?

I know I'm just misinterpreting his fondness for Sierra (borne of his guilt/responsibility/vanity in 'solving' Priya's problems) for romantic love, but yeah....

MORAL TOPHER IS SO CUTE. I never though I would like him anything but amoral but, nope, still love him. Boyd is so cool. He's definitely got a hidden agenda, suddenly going all 'Kay, I know how to dispose of the body, grab the sulfuric acid and let's get it over with." Anyone else notice he was wearing leather? BLACK leather? LOTS? That is Whedoncode for "I am intense and morally gray, possibly even evil. Definitely intense."

And Topher and Adelle? I know it's kind of a mother-son thing, but STILL. She was all scary, but I think this is the first time (not counting Epitaph One, or the cracktastic ep with the drugs) where we've seen her reach out and physically interact with him.

And the funny thing?

I NEVER saw him and Whiskey. Not really. I guess there were hints but... I always thought there was a spark of at least camaraderie between her and Boyd, which apparently, thank God, is NOT entirely cracktastic. So I have some semblance of sanity, at least.

Topher probably belongs with no one considering that he's like, socially, ten years old. But I can't help shipping him anyway, because like all Whedon characters, he's so much more than that.

I definitely have a lethal attraction to crack.

For anyone on my flist who's interested in an at times overly-lofty, quasi-pretentious TV that also has kickass characters with srs bsns development, Dollhouse is on Fox on Fridays - but won't be around again until December 5, which is double ep night. Until then, you can catch up on S1 and the first four eps of S2 on Hulu (DOLLHOUSE HERE!). The show is in trouble and could use as many viewers as possible if it's going to repeat its miraculous renewal. The fact that there is a S2 is some kind of direct gift from the Powers That Be. Or maybe Adelle just arranged some contacts at Fox...

You may wonder why I recommend this with a disclaimer. It's because, in my opinion, this show has some serious highs and some serious lows. When it's great, it's great. When it's passable, meh. When it's bad, ew, it sucks. But the good is so good that I think it's worth watching - from what I've seen of S2, Dollhouse is only getting better.

I present you with this nifty video, which aims sell the show to you. Enjoy this shameless (and extremely well-edited) propaganda.

image Click to view

A lot of people will tell you that it gets better around the middle of S1. It does. So I would recommend watching the following episodes to get started, skipping the less exciting 'filler' in between.

1. (1-1, 'Ghost') The first episode. Introduces the viewer to the show, the ideas, and the characters (well, Echo, duh). Echo is imprinted as a hostage negotiator. Frankly, no one really likes this ep, but I think it's important to always watch the first episode. At least then you can understand most of the setup.

2. (1-4, 'Gray Hour') Hints of the overarching themes begin to appear: Echo is gaining awareness, the shadowy, overarching figure of Alpha is looked at further. All good shows need shadowy evil to thrive, right? ;) Plus, this is one of the eps that (I feel) has a really good self-contained storyline. Echo is imprinted as a skilled burglar, but malfunctions in the middle of the job. Uh-oh.

3. (1-6, 'Man on the Street) More questions answered, but even more questions raised. The episode mostly centers around Paul, his neighbor, Mellie, and a spy in the Dollhouse. Plus, emotional/ethical trauma in the Dollhouse reveals some interesting things about the characters inside and outside of it...


4. (1-7, 'Echoes) We FINALLY learn about Echo's past as Caroline. Also, a drug makes everyone wonky. Adelle and Topher indulge in a drawer of highly inappropriate starches. The wonky/starchy part is really what makes this ep worth watching.

Episodes 8-12 (and 13, if you can get it) are all very important because they center around the overarching plot, but if you're pressed for time, I would skip 1-8 'Needs' (it's important, but not vital) and 1-10, 'Haunted' (almost totally episodic, so it's actually not important, it's just one of my faves).

S2 is shaping up to be totally great. I was disappointed with the premier (I thought it was kind of heavy and dull, although I loved the Whiskey-Topher bits). The season might have been slow to begin with, but 'Belle Chose' and 'Belonging' were excellent. In fact, 'Belonging' is filling me with fangirl glee. :3 So watch! Dollhouse doesn't have enough viewers and, hey, if you're bored on a Friday night (or an anytime, considering the Hulu) it might be worth giving a try.

fandom, dollhouse

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