Each song is meant to represent one antagonist, although they're meant to have to be cohesive and represent Umbrella as a whole. ALSO: for some reason I was convinced Carla formerly worked for Umbrella. Since she represents "Neo-Umbrella", I feel her inclusion is warranted.
I realized after I made this mix that two of the songs came from one of
suchaprince's mixes. She's an amazingly talented fanmixer (legit - unlike me), so if you have any interest at all, check her out.
i. Dark Stuff l Yann Tierson
(the Spencer estate)
bad news coming
ii. Bela Lugosi’s Dead l Nouvelle Vague
the bats have left the bell tower
the victims have been bled
red velvet lines
the black box
iii. Idioteque l Radiohead
I laugh until my head comes off
I swallow till I burst
until I burst
until I
iv. Cannibal Love l White Sea
we've spent a lifetime on this sinking ship
no need to bail the water
v. Bernadette l IAMX
you have answers
and I have the key
to the door to Bernadette
vi. Raining Blood l Tori Amos
trapped in purgatory
a lifeless object alive
awaiting reprisal
death will be their acquisition
vii. The End is the Beginning is the End l Smashing Pumpkins
is it bright where you are?
have the people changed?
does it make you happy?
you're so strange
viii. Black Milk l Massive Attack
love you
for God
love you
for the mother
ix. Come Scientist Destroy l Underworld