Please link to 3 applications that you've voted for:
욕 ♥ FANTASTIC ELASTIC Get it! Name/Nickname: Kiayee (pronounced kee-ah-yee)/Pandora (but most of my friends call me ky or kiakia, lol. ^◡^)
Age: Fourteeeeen. :D
Likes: Writing poetry/fanfiction/stories ♥, reading, dancing, music: both mainstream and indie, getting to know people, sketching/drawing, Literature, Chemistry, Math, Korean variety shows, apples (/CRUNCHCRUNCH), rock candy, salmon sashimi, Korean instant ramyeon (it's curliness is awesome!), shopping, TV dramas (yeh Boys Over Flowers, Personal Taste, Princess Hours and You're Beautiful ftw! <3 I watch Taiwanese and Hong Kong dramas occasionally but very little.), plays (I think I've spent a ton of my moneymy dad's money on plays x___x)
Dislikes:: Writer's block, seeing others/myself get flamed, drifting apart from friends, mean/insensitive people
Hobbies: Reading, dancing, writing, drawing, listening to music, chatting online
Strong points: I am sensitive to people around me. Not to sound boastful, but I've always felt that I can sense the emotions of people around me and I read their actions well and react quickly. I am a cheerful person! I smile as much as I can, and I try to find light of awkward or difficult situations. I think it lets people speak to me more freely and get to know me better without feeling intimidated. ♥ I'm humourous too. :D I can take jokes rather well as long as they don't take it too far, and I like cracking jokes to put people at ease and make them laugh. I put in 100% effort for things I truly care for - mainly writing, my friends and my Literature work - and I try to go the extra mile to make it more exceptional.
Weak points: I suck at organization in both my writing and life, lol. My table is almost always one big pig sty of a mess - there are stacks of old worksheets and posters and drawings everywhere, as well as keychains and loose change, hahahaha. I sometimes read into what people say too much and become easily suspicious. D: Procrastination is my middle name - I usually end up rushing homework at midnight and finishing projects last minute! I have short temper, but I think I have a better hold on it now! Heehee, RAWRRRR. /gets bricked
Future goals?: For the next few years, I hope to live a carefree (as much as possible) and fun life! I want to enjoy myself freely as much as I can, while I still can! I also want to do something meaningful with my life and help people in need while writing fanfiction/poetry part-time. Hopefully my career will be something I am passionate about so I enjoy it. ^-^ Also: to improve my Chinese! And find my other half. ♥
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: I think my best quality is that I am cheerful, because I can put people around me at ease and cheer them up when they are down in the dumps. I like that I can make people smile. (:
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I procrastinate too much! My parents get very very very pissed off and sometimes I get so frustrated with this quality of mine that I break down a little. (I'm a pretty emotional person, and I cry easily @_@)
If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?: I would change how there's so much hate in this world. Hate leads to terrorism, crime, and backstabbing. All these get people hurt, both emotionally and physically. D:< It's really disgusting.
If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?: I would change how I am so suspicious of people. I want to trust people more. I feel that without trust, it's difficult to let others know you better and get closer. ):
Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite SHINee member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.): OMG GOOD QUESTION, TANKS GUISE! LOL. /gets stoned My favourite SHINee member is Taemin. I've always had a thing for cute guys! ♥ He's really really lovable and I like how he dances really charismatically. His tendency to smile I love! And his little tantrums in Yunhanam was OMG CUTEEEEE. ♥ Hahaha, I think there's something about his innocence that is rather beautiful to me and his cheeks just demand to be pinched. On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SHINee member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; he might be someone’s favorite.): Mmmm, this is very very hard to answer. I guess, it would be ... Key. It's not that I don't like Key, I do! It's just that I like the others more. Onew and Minho are rather sensitive and very kind, Jonghyun is asdfghhjkl good with girls and treats them well, Taemin is ♥ and Key is very charismatic in his diva way, but I don't find him appealing in that boyfriend kind of way, more like in an amazing friend way. Sorryyyy. D: /begs for Lockets' forgiveness
What’s your favorite SHINee pairing (if you have one)?: I like Jongkey. They are both a dominating and fun, so I find it really cute for them to be together! I think they'd bicker and tease each other quite a bit. C:
If you could be a SHINee member for a day, who would you be? Why?: I would want to be Jonghyun. I think it would be amazing to have vocals like his, even if just for a day.
Favorite color?: Orange/white/black.
Favorite movie? Why?: The Incite Mill - it's a really scary movie about this group of people who get themselves trapped in a very well furnished building as part of a social experiment a company is carrying out. They start to die one by one, and apparently, the killer is amongst them, so they have to find out who it is before they all fall. It's slightly gory but very well-written with surprising twists. Plus, the main actor is the one who acted as Kira in Death Note. He's very skilled and very good at getting in character.
Favorite saying/quote?: "Venice was and is full of lost places where people put up for sale the last worn bits of their souls, hoping no one will buy." - Death Is A Lonely Business, by Rad Bradbury
If you were an animal, which would you be, and why?: I would be ... a bird. I like how they can fly about freely, and their wings are really beautiful. I love how birds give off this sense of freedom; they can fly where they want and see many things.
If you were a dessert, which would you be, and why?: I want to be an interesting, unique flavour of ice cream, like green tea with pecan or strawberry shortcake with coffee swirls. I'd be able to keep people cool and be really, truly cool. :D
High, medium, or low energy?: I'm usually on medium enery, but I think it'd be great to be on high energy. When you're on high energy, you can push yourself beyond your ability and overstep the boundaries, even if it means experiencing extreme physical/mental exhaustion afterward.
Impulsive or cautious?: I'm more of a mixture of both. I can be rather impulsive in my actions but when I make decisions I'm slightly more cautious. Impulsive. I think being impulsive, you take more chances and experience more things. :D
Mature or Immature?: In between. I think I am rather mature but when I let myself go I can be very, very immature. (:
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Most absolutely optimistic.
Touchy feely or not?: Not so much, but I like hugs. C:
Leader or follower?: Bit of both. When I feel confident enough, I like to lead and put in best to be responsible and work to the best of my ability while pushing my team mates to their best as well. But there are of course times I like to take a back seat and let myself rest a bit more.
Any pets? Tell us about them!: No pets, but I'd love to try having one that's lower maintenance, like hamsters or fish, because I'm not very good with animals. I have a fear of dogs. D: But I think owning a pet would make me more responsible and it'd be interesting to have a little creature to watch over every day.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: Poured water on a boy I was mad with in primary school. And. I did it in full view of the whole canteen.
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?: In the bookshop, picking out books. What I'd do for money to buy books. ;_;
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: /screams 'uh ... ' /turns around
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind/genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: Idol drama. because the actors are really cute!
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What do you do?: Carefully try to fix it without drawing attention.
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