Title: Curious Coincidences
Kat_elricPairing: slight Onew/Taemin Onew/Minho Key/Jonghyun
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Notes: It took me forever to figure out something to write for this because the original was just that enjoyable. I hope that this is enjoyable as well.
Original Work:
Alternative Advances by
black_goose (
One week later Taemin had played 57 games of minesweeper, annihilated over 500 pigs, won 14 games of solitaire (it was a bad week), and, just now managed to learn something that he never thought he would about his boss. )
Comments 3
I love this SO MUCH. I love the Ontae :3 obviously I love the Ontae but I love how you managed to take my Onho fic and make it into Ontae. absolutely brilliant. RE-READS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
He is such an awful employee isn't he? They must just keep him around for the laughs. lol
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