Title: Birds of Prey 3 Pairing: Ontae (and various other pairings) Rating: PG-13 Summary: Where in Jinki is the badboy and Taemin maybe a little bit too naive, but after some years maybe the tables have turned.
Haha it's also my own alarm and I have almost every morning the same reaction as Jinki xD
I have a weakness for Taekey these days~ Yeah Kibum is Jinki's ex :3
I love to write cliffhangers, but I guess you know that already xD Yeah I really should. But it's kind of chaos in my life right now, but I always write in the train, so I should do that today as well :'D Yeah gawd sexual tension everywhere in this story... don't know how to deal with that! xD
No thank you for reading and commenting even when you are busy~ ♥ ♥ ♥
ch.1 Jinki really pissed me off, and i was wanting to give Taemin a hug. ch2. i kinda felt different about it. but still i think jinki could of made taemin 'not like' him another way. stupid jinki back it in the day. *whacks him upside the head* ch3. oh gwad a plan *gets nervous* i want to know what is is but i'm scared lol. i want it to turn out good and jinki is taemin's 1st.... guess i just have to wait for updates calmly. lol
Comments 7
i cant wait to read what happens :)
Thank you so much for reading~
Thank you so much for reading~ ^^
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Haha it's also my own alarm and I have almost every morning the same reaction as Jinki xD
I have a weakness for Taekey these days~
Yeah Kibum is Jinki's ex :3
I love to write cliffhangers, but I guess you know that already xD Yeah I really should. But it's kind of chaos in my life right now, but I always write in the train, so I should do that today as well :'D
Yeah gawd sexual tension everywhere in this story... don't know how to deal with that! xD
No thank you for reading and commenting even when you are busy~ ♥ ♥ ♥
ch.1 Jinki really pissed me off, and i was wanting to give Taemin a hug.
ch2. i kinda felt different about it. but still i think jinki could of made taemin 'not like' him another way. stupid jinki back it in the day. *whacks him upside the head*
ch3. oh gwad a plan *gets nervous* i want to know what is is but i'm scared lol. i want it to turn out good and jinki is taemin's 1st.... guess i just have to wait for updates calmly. lol
Haha I'm not going to say anything~ ;) only that I just updated with a new chapter :B
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