Title: First Meeting
Pairing: Taekey
Rating: PG
Note: It's in the same AU as the
Underneath the stars drabble. I want to write more about them in this AU as I want to write short stories about them. A little bit inspired by the movie (500) days of summer. This drabble isn't that great, but at least you get to know a little bit more about them.
He loved how the image slowly appears on the paper. It was magical and Kibum could spend his whole afternoon developing his own photo's. He stood in the darkroom that was filled with only red and amber coloured lights, hanging with his head above the chemicals. With his tongue sticking out of his mouth in full concentration he judged the photo's for any mistake and looked at what he had to do different next time. All of a sudden a shock through his body hit him as he heard loud noises at the preparation room. Kibum sniffed and with big angry steps he walked to the other room. He squinted his eyes as they got stung by the fluorescent light. Looking in the room still trying to adjust to the light he saw a person standing with mess all around him. Kibum blinked a few times and his sight got clear. The person, a boy, was standing and looking a bit dumbfounded at the mess.
“What was that noise all about?” asked Kibum almost snarling.
The other boy looked up with big eyes, but the moment Kibum thought the boy beamed innocence a cocky smile appeared on the other boy's face.
“Got clumsy at my first try, shit happens.” the boy shrugged.
Kibum frowned and came closer to look if the boy had caused any damage at his precious stuff - even when the material was mainly school's property.
His gaze came along the buckets with chemicals - still half open and a lot had spilled out, rolls of negatives on the ground in a pool of water.
“Luckily they already developed when I dropped them, so I should hang these out right? In the drying cabin.” Kibum was a bit speechless by this boy. His movements and attitude so smooth and nonchalant. He watched as the boy picked up a string of negatives and walked at the drying cabin. Kibum sighed and cleaning up the mess from the ground.
“So that's done.” the boy said by closing the door of the drying cabin a little too hard. Kibum looked at how he hung it up as many people do it wrong, and of course...
“You shithead! Look out for my negatives. If they get stuck to each other you can throw them both in the trash.” Kibum said snarling this time for real. “What kind of major do you have anyway?”
The boy made a snort. “Well, I'm sorry, but I'm first year photography. Yours?”
“Oh jeez...” Kibum rolled his eyes while opening the drying cabin. “I'm second year in styling and design.”
“Oh that's gay.” the other boy said dryly.
Kibum immediately turned around towards the other boy while he was changing the negatives. “Well sorry for being gay!” he pouted a little while saying.
“I'm Taemin” he reached for Kibum's hand with a smile.
Kibum looked at the hand and slowly at Taemin's face in a judging way.
“I'm... Kibum” and he shook the hand, a little bit awkward about the situation. He closed the drying cabin and when he wanted to break the awkward tension he remembered his photo, still in the developer and forgotten the stop bath.
“Oh fuck my photo!” and he ran into the dark room.
“Well I guess I'll see you around” Taemin yelled after Kibum.
Kibum only heard the chuckling noise of Taemin after he'd screeched while seeing his photo had turned black.
a/n: I based this a little at the photography darkroom at my school, so maybe some things aren't correct as we maybe use different things and I don't know all the right english words for everything c: