Title: No Such Thing As Angels
Author: anja_yoochun
Word count: 200
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: To be honest, bbs... This is my very very very first drabble. >.< -is totally outshined by you all-
I know it sucks, but still tell me what you think? Criticism is much appreciated!
Name, Kim Jonghyun. Check.
Age, nineteen. Check.
Voice, working. Check.
Crowd full of the people from his mother's church, old. Check.
The only person in the world he needed by his side now, missing........ Check.
Jonghyun takes his place on the open, indoor stage, sitting down on the stool set for him.
His mother had spent four days begging him to sing for her church. He had been pissed that she would even ask him after his fight with..... The Camera.
His Angel among angels had screwed him over, and didn't think twice about it.
He had returned home for one reason, and one reason only: To be comforted. (And to avoid the Camera, but that doesn't count.) But with four days of his mother's constant begging and bitching, he finally agreed just so she would shut up and leave him alone to sulk around the house.
After he had finished singing, and walked among the older-then-hell-itself, his stride is impeded by an elderly woman. Not quite past seventy. His thoughts of the Camera hindered as well.
“You have the voice of an angel.”
His only response: “I don't believe in angels.”
Author's Notes: Also... I fail at LJ HTML stuffs harder than anyone... Helps prz?