Title: The Boy Who Was Too Young (previously "Baby Daddy") Part 3
Rating: mild NC-17
Pairing: OMC/Jim, eventual Bones/Jim
Warning: mpreg, teenagers who are really too young
Thanks: To both
lifebehindadesk and
hebrewhammer42 for the awesome beta, and
harumi for brainstorming.
In the future, Jim will have a quiet secret he’s too wounded to share. )
Comments 4
Lol! It's one of the above...
I hope the time change wasn't too abrupt. Starting with this chapter, the story will be jumping back and forth from teenage Jim to post-Narada. Chapter 4 will have more pregnant teenage James.
Jim trying to gauge what life would have been like if he'd lived with his baby.
Good! Jim never mentions having a kid of his own, but you could tell what he was thinking. That's excellent, because I had so much fun writing in between the lines in this chapter!
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