Title: Wind and Sand
Author: Seto's Darkness
shinigami39 Theme: 3 - Stormy
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Gaara x Temari
Rating: PG-13, T
Disclaimer: Naruto, and its characters, doesn't belong to me.
Summary: The five times between Temari and Gaara.
Warnings: Erm, kinda-but-not-really-rape.
Tags: Naruto, #3 stormy, entries
The first time it happened, she had been frightened, angry, and a whole lot more. Of course, she didn't expect it. After all, he didn't show any indication of attraction to her, or to anybody else.
The second time it happened, she had been more prepared, her huge fan splitting open her room, making a hole of destruction that went through until the other side of the building. Of course, he was always, always stronger than her, and in the end, it still happened.
The third time it happened, she negotiated with him. Of course, he simply looked at her with those emerald eyes hazed with the color of lust, and she fount out that she really couldn't do anything.
The fourth time it happened, she didn't move at all, didn't speak, didn't make a sound. She left the room hurriedly after the act, even though he spoke from across the room for her to stay.
A long time has passed but her younger brother didn't come back to take her, didn't even come near her. She was always sent to Konoha to negotiate some foreign affairs. Whenever she came back, he was always busy with some Ministers' meetings, or he was always holed up in the office, focused and dedicated on his work as the Kazekage.
It was around that time that she learned of her brother's feelings-all thanks to a preaching session from Kankuro. He was hurting, and he was trying to hide it-and she was the one who caused the hurt on her beloved, beloved, beloved younger brother's heart.
The fifth time it happened, she was the one who marched in confidently to the Kazekage's office, knocking out the guards he had installed to prevent the entrance of any other people. He was stunned by her unannounced entrance, though those jade-green eyes recovered immediately and hurriedly covered up the hurt, shock and expectance.
She wanted to sigh about her stupidity, but it was all in the past now. He needed her, and in some demented show of harmony and family ties, she needed him too.
"Gaara," She said softly, still with the older sister tone, but with a whole lot of affection. She smiled then, because from the way he walked slowly towards her, she knows he understands.
The prompt stormy inspired the word sandstorm-and sand storm is composed of winds and sands so… Temari plus Gaara. Haha, weird logic? Yes, I know I'm weird xD
Feedback, please? :)