The start of Act four. Only two more parts after this!
View the previous acts here:
Act 1 scene 1 Act 1 scene 2 Act 2 scene 1 Act 2 scene 2 Act 3 scene 1 Act 3 scene 2 Title: A Midsummer Nightmare Act 4 Scene 1
Author: Shinigami518
Pairing: Ryan/Colin, Tony/OFC, Josie/Colin (past one sided), Greg/Josie, Wayne/Caroline, Ryan/Greg (love potion effected/now past), Brad/Caroline (love potion effected)
Rating: PG-13 for cursing
Summary: AU, retelling of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream with the cast of WLIIA. The donkey and Titania rest, the lovers are found and new plans are made.
Author’s Notes: This is my first fanfic, so be kind. This also was originally written for my Reading shakespeare College class as a final project, but has been re-edited and fixed up.
Cross posted to
wl_fanfiction Act 4, Scene 1
Several minutes later, outside the Fun House, Brad and Caroline had stopped kissing each other and were straightening up their clothes.
“Oh, ah… I’ve never had sex with a donkey before, but I… I think I kinda liked it.” Caroline stated, breathlessly.
“Yeah, never screwed a Goddess before, either.” Brad nodded. Both of them sat outside the Fun House, catching their breath.
“Do you think I’ll ever see you again, Bradley?” Caroline asked. Brad touched her hand and gazed at her lovingly.
“Maybe someday our paths will cross, my dear sweet Titania.” Brad answered, kissing her softly on the lips. Their lips parted as they stared into each others eyes warmly as they lay down on the steps.
“Goodnight, my dear Bradley.” Caroline whispered.
“Sweet dreams, my sweet Titania.” Brad whispered back, both of them falling asleep.
Wayne, who had put Garfield to bed in the bunker area, tiptoed over to the sleeping Caroline and Brad, Jeff by his side. Jeff handed the last of the love potion to Wayne as he walked over to Brad and began to drag him away to where the tour bus was still parked. Wayne poured the last bit of the love potion into Caroline’s mouth as soon as Jeff, with the sleeping Brad, was well out of sight. Caroline blinked several times and gazed up at Wayne in surprise.
“Oh, Wayne, what a weird dream I had, my love. I had fallen for a man with a donkey’s head.” Caroline exclaimed, sitting up. Wayne smiled softly, staring at his wife.
“It was all but a dream, my dear. Now, we must get ready. Today we are to re-open the park and start training Garfield in becoming a carnie like his dear mother.” Wayne soothed, bringing Caroline to her feet. Caroline nodded in agreement.
“Of course, my dear. He has mentioned to me many times that he would love to be like Jeffrey.” Caroline agreed. Wayne said nothing, but walked with his wife to a secluded area of the park.
Once the sun rose to signal the start of morning, several cops, plus Eric, Tony and his fiancé Hippolyta, had started to search the Amusement park for Colin, Ryan, Greg and Josie. They found them where Jeff had left them, right by the Roller Coaster tracks, still asleep. Ryan and Colin were curled next to each other while Greg and Josie slept on the bench, Josie’s head on Greg’s shoulder.
Hippolyta awed at the sight before her, brushing back strands of her long, braided, jet black hair. “Oh Tony, they look so precious together like that. Do you really think it’d really be best to break them up?” she asked Tony in her soft, delicate accented voice. Tony patted her hand.
“Now, my dear, I did give Colin two choices to pick,” Tony reminded. He glanced at the sleeping couples. “Looks like he went with choice three: screw it all and stay with the one I love.” Tony sighed. Eric, on the other hand, wasn’t all that forgiving, grabbed a bullhorn from one of the cops, turned it on and used it.
“WAKE UP!” he shouted through it, waking up the four lovers. Once seeing Eric, Tony, Hippolyta and the officers, Colin’s face drained of all color as did Ryan’s.
“Shit.” Ryan uttered bluntly.
“What in the world are you four doing here like this? And YOU! I thought I told you to stay away from my son!” Eric snapped, pointing at Ryan. All four lovers stood up.
“Sir, listen to me,” Greg began, getting Eric’s attention. “Look, I know you feel that Josie and your son should marry, but you have to understand me when I say this: Colin doesn’t love her. I do.” Greg explained. Eric was taken aback by Greg’s seriousness. He had always thought of Greg as being a shy young man.
“The reason we’re here is because Ryan and Colin were planning on eloping to Calgary.” Greg continued. Eric’s eyes widen in shock.
“My aunt and uncle live there and at least they accept me for who I am, unlike you!” Ryan added, putting an arm around Colin’s waist.
“And I thought if I told Josie what they were planning, she’d fall back in love with me. Stupid idea, but I was still pissed at you for trying to do the whole arranged marriage thing with Colin and Josie. Instead, Josie wanted to stop them so I followed her here in hopes we’d intercept them from leaving the town. What happened next… was kind of a blur.” Greg finished his explanation, gesturing at his head to emphasize his vagueness of his memory loss.
“The weirdest thing is, sir, whatever feelings I had for Colin has seemed to have faded like a photograph left out in the sun and it seems that the lost feelings I had for Gregory have resurfaced.” Josie added, taking Greg’s hand in hers.
“Fascinating.” Hippolyta remarked. Tony nodded in agreement, turning to face Ryan and Colin.
“You two were willing to ignore my warnings and just leave here to get married?” Tony asked the two men.
“Sir, like I told you and my father, I love Ryan more than anything in the world. If I cannot be with him or if I’m forced to marry someone I do not love, I don’t know how I’d live.” Colin answered. Tony shot a look that said “What do you think of that?” at Eric. Eric looked at his son, seriously.
“Does he make you happy, son?” Eric asked. Colin nodded firmly. Eric sighed, massaging his temple. “If this is what you truly want, then I guess I can’t stop you from falling in love, or from getting married.” Eric said wearily. Colin’s eyes lit up.
“Oh father, do you mean it?!” Colin asked, praying what he heard was right.
“Yes. If he truly makes you happy, I see no reason to stop you from marrying Ryan.” Eric smiled. Colin was ecstatic. He hugged his father, tears of joys spilling down his face. Ryan sighed in relief, thankful that all their trouble was over. Greg and Josie gave each other knowing looks and walked over to Tony.
“Uh, Tony, sir. I, uh, was wondering if ah…” Greg barely could get the words out of his mouth.
“We we’re wondering if you wouldn’t mind making your wedding a triple ceremony?” Josie finished for Greg. Everyone stared at the two as if they had heard them saying they were going to “score some heroine and if anyone wanted some.”
“Greg, Josie, are you saying you two-?” Ryan asked. Both nodded yes, grins on their faces.
“Wonderful!” Hippolyta exclaimed with joy, happy for the young lovers. Tony just sighed.
“Yeah… wonderful…” Tony sighed, realizing the wedding was going to require more planning now there was going to be three weddings instead of one.
The rest will be posted in a short while...