Here is a link to the submission post to refresh your memory.
Since skips are no longer allowed the following people were disqualified for not submitting an icon:
moneykills, and
→ Vote for the two(2) icons with the least quality. Vote for quality! Not because it has your least favorite character or because it's using a common whored stlye.
→ No personal opinions, please! That means no "I don't like this icon because it sucks," or "Meh looks ok, but not my cup of tea." Give proper critique please, and as much detail as you can. It's crucial to the icons at hand. Not sure how to properly vote? You can check
xenylamine voting tutorial/guide
→ Vote for an icon that you liked the best, no critique is needed, but its always nice to know why you liked that icon. It doesn't have to have your favorite character, it can be your favorite because of the concept, crop, etc.
→ Don't vote more than once, or get anyone to vote for your icon, or against, and don't vote for yourself. It's a competition, whats that point of doing such thing[s].
→ Anyone can vote! As long as you're a member of the community. It is recommended that the current participants vote!~
→ Voting will end Wednesday April 9th midnight EST.
Voting Format:
Least Quality:#00 - critz
#00 - critz
Favorite:#00 - critz