It's about that time kiddies~ This is going to be a copy and paste of the last feedback.
Should I change anything about them?
Should I add challenge prompts?
Like make a b+w icon with this image, or use these lyrics with this image.
Should I use more anime screen caps?
Should I stick with manga related images?
How do you guys feel about them?
Was there enough to satisfy you?
Should I put a word limit like
animanga_lims did?
Were they too harsh, or not harsh enough?
Should I post images of the arrancar arc, vizard arc?[current chapters etc.]
I was also thinking of not using scans from the pendelum, or fillers, for this round. They are really spoilery D:
next challenge~ Like i said before, no need to answer these question but i'd be grateful if they were answered to know if i'm doing good or not D: The banners, i really want to finish them before the next round is up. so maybe in two weeks?
Comments are screened, and a new layout soon.