Tristan Thorn. I hope you know, wherever you are, that I still hold you fully responsible for being in this predicament. Technically, yes it wasn't your fault I was knocked out of the heavens to begin with but it was you who decided it would be a good idea to bribe a star to come along on your harebrained adventure in search of the love of a woman who, by the way, does not sound like she will make you very happy. You know I think you've been living far below your potential, and right before you left I think perhaps you'd moved beyond that, but it was so confusing. People change quickly enough as it is by comparison. Mortals. If a star looks away for too long then one life has entirely passed and another taken its place. But you were...quite impossible and loathsome one moment and quite...less so. It was as if someone had hit you over the head, or perhaps you only fell on it. Perhaps both.
In any case I don't know if you remember this place at all, wherever you are now, however old that you are, but I hope that you do. It isn't fair. I know that we didn't exactly get along very well but would it have been so much to take me with you? I didn't disbelieve you about the candle or else I wouldn't have gone with you in the first place, and even when you used it I know it was only to save us.
I don't like this. I don't like being---
With my leg fixed and a number of other things...I think we may have been able to tolerate each other long enough to reach your Victoria, even on foot.
But do we even make it to your village of Wall? What of the witch?
I do not want...I can't...
Tristan Thorn. You began as insufferable and remained so for quite some time, then became something I couldn't even identify and now you have returned to the way that you started without even being here.
Now then. If only there was a way to make you aware of this.
Stupid to think of him at all, but who else have I? Not that I have him, it's only that...
...well there isn't anyone else, is there.
I wish I knew if the unicorn made it out of the fire.
Not much longer before an entire year and yet it feels like a decade, though thinking on it now I dare say I've spent decades that passed much more quickly.
To think I was once bothered by it.