Cam2474: hi.
BeckerBabe2: well, well, well, the mighty corrine has finally decided to grace me with her prescence
BeckerBabe2: i think i spelled that wrong
BeckerBabe2: oh well
BeckerBabe2: so, yo.... wassup?!
Cam2474: hey...well nothing.
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: what movie r we seeing
BeckerBabe2: i am talking 2 kyle who is being surpisingly sweet 2 me... he told me not to get a boyfriend *rolls eyes&
Cam2474: lol...
BeckerBabe2: remember when i said he was sweet? i take that back. HE JUST CALLED ME STUPID!
Cam2474: ok.
Cam2474: im gonna go.
BeckerBabe2: WAIT!
BeckerBabe2: why!?
BeckerBabe2: did i do something?!
Cam2474 is away at 11:33:04 PM.
Cam2474 returned at 11:33:18 PM.
Cam2474 is away at 11:33:22 PM.
Cam2474: no
Cam2474 returned at 11:33:28 PM.
Cam2474 is away at 11:33:30 PM.
Cam2474: im so bored.
Cam2474 returned at 11:34:45 PM.
Cam2474 is away at 11:34:48 PM.
BeckerBabe2: me 2!
Auto response from Cam2474: hi.
BeckerBabe2: sheesh, make up ur dang mind
Auto response from Cam2474: hi.
Cam2474 returned at 11:35:12 PM.
Cam2474: i have nothing to do.
Cam2474: my friend rachel wont shut up
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: i just told her to shut up
BeckerBabe2: lol
BeckerBabe2: ur so mean
BeckerBabe2: j/k
Cam2474: i am.
BeckerBabe2: hey, kyle was telling me ' i bet guys ask u out all the time' and i was like ' phh! yeah rite!
BeckerBabe2: and he said ' well, ur not ugly'
BeckerBabe2: i feel special now
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: o
Cam2474: m
Cam2474: g
BeckerBabe2: WHAT?!
Cam2474: eh
Cam2474: ma
BeckerBabe2: GOD
Cam2474: god
BeckerBabe2: NOW WHAT?!
Cam2474: me
Cam2474: =
Cam2474: bored
Cam2474: wednesday
Cam2474: sucks
Cam2474: big
Cam2474: monkey
Cam2474: booty
BeckerBabe2: ok, ew
Cam2474: tushy*
BeckerBabe2: nice mental imagine there corrine
Cam2474: ok.
Cam2474: well
Cam2474: u
BeckerBabe2: stop doing that
BeckerBabe2: kyle does that all the time and it bugs the crap out of me
Cam2474: kyle.
Cam2474: i am bored.
Cam2474: omg
Cam2474: i hate me.
BeckerBabe2: what?!
Cam2474: i signed on
BeckerBabe2: why do u hate urself?!
Cam2474: and yet. no one talks to me
BeckerBabe2: I AM TALKING 2 U!
Cam2474: i have to talk to people
BeckerBabe2: am i am no one?!
Cam2474: jake didnt im me
BeckerBabe2: jake's a stupid head
Cam2474: i am stupid
BeckerBabe2: why r u stupid NOW? *sighs*
Cam2474: im so bored i want to cry because no one imed me
BeckerBabe2: CORRINE!
BeckerBabe2: HELLO!
BeckerBabe2: I IMED U!
Cam2474: lets go clubbing
BeckerBabe2: or do i not count anymore!
BeckerBabe2: YAY!
Cam2474: *ahem* i imed u
BeckerBabe2: oh yeah...
BeckerBabe2: well, i thought u were like talking to jake on the phone
Cam2474: nope
Cam2474: he hung on me
Cam2474: up
BeckerBabe2: anywayz, lemme go grab my denim jacket, my twirly black miniskirt and a cute tank top and we can go shake our boo-tays to Usher, Ciara, and .... Ludacris!
BeckerBabe2: i'll meet u at ur house in 20 minutes, after i successfully steal my moms keys and then i might crash the jaguar into a mailbox, but i'll just keep on going
Cam2474: i have on a white tank and my best fitting jeans
BeckerBabe2: i have on my doggie p.j.s
Cam2474: and I'll sneak out my window
BeckerBabe2: but i'll change
BeckerBabe2: oooh, rebel!
Cam2474: and ram into the screen
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: tryin to bust out
BeckerBabe2: and all the boys will go ' whos that sexy babe with the purple bruise on her forehead?'
Cam2474: and we'll go pick up emmy
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: drag her out of bed
Cam2474: LOL
BeckerBabe2: and duct tape her so she doesn't scream
Cam2474: yes
Cam2474: and give her an oreo
Cam2474: Cam2474: me and becca r going clubbing
GuitarFret18: without me
GuitarFret18: i wanna come
BeckerBabe2: lol
BeckerBabe2: make that two oreos
BeckerBabe2: so it'll keep her busy
Cam2474: yes.
Cam2474: ugh
Cam2474: now jake has to go
BeckerBabe2: thats sad
Cam2474: U G H
Cam2474: that = no fun for me
Cam2474: im jk lolololol
BeckerBabe2: i was about to say...
BeckerBabe2: HEY!
BeckerBabe2: HO!
BeckerBabe2: LETS GO!
Cam2474: LMAO
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: GuitarFret18: whay cant ur BF go
Cam2474: because that means I cant flirt with other guys....sheesh
Cam2474: I am JK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Cam2474: GuitarFret18: ur bf is calling u
BeckerBabe2: GuitarFret18: i will drive
BeckerBabe2: fine, i'll wait for u to come to my house and then u'll drive us to orlando so we can shake our groove thangs
BeckerBabe2: LOL!
Cam2474: LOL
Cam2474: jake just called and I made my dad answer
BeckerBabe2: GuitarFret18: i didnt know u had one
BeckerBabe2: ....
BeckerBabe2: was that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: lol
BeckerBabe2: we're not taking him anymore
Cam2474: why
BeckerBabe2: we're gonna go to the club, get drunk on vodka, and go... i'll shut up now
BeckerBabe2: he insulted me
Cam2474: get Laid!
BeckerBabe2: YAY!
Cam2474: YES
BeckerBabe2: Have fun in the sun * or in our case, dark* and get laid in the shade!
BeckerBabe2: i dare u to tell kyle ' me and beca are going to go get drunk and get laid'
Cam2474: Cam2474: well me and becca have to go clubbing...
Cam2474: dance.
Cam2474: Drink.
Cam2474: get laid.
Cam2474: GuitarFret18: bywho
Cam2474: u know.
BeckerBabe2: wait, by who?!
Cam2474: Cam2474: ramdom hotties
BeckerBabe2: oh, lol
BeckerBabe2: a daniel clark look alike
BeckerBabe2: of course, i'll be so drunk, it'll be with a toby issacs look alike
Cam2474: GuitarFret18: who
GuitarFret18: be specifi
GuitarFret18: c
Cam2474: daniel Clark for becca
BeckerBabe2: lol
Cam2474: who should I have!?
BeckerBabe2: ewwie * for the toby issacs*
Cam2474: dont say craig1
BeckerBabe2: hm...... fine, sheesh
Cam2474: say someone like REALLy hot
BeckerBabe2: i WAZ going to say him
BeckerBabe2: hhhmmm.......
BeckerBabe2: how about chad micheal murray lookalike?
Cam2474: GuitarFret18: he wants to talk
Cam2474: becca says im gonna get laid by Chad Micheal Murray
Cam2474: ugh tell him to call..yeah
BeckerBabe2: lol
BeckerBabe2: GuitarFret18: ur getting
GuitarFret18: ....
GuitarFret18: ****
Cam2474: im on the fone w/ my bf
BeckerBabe2: k
Cam2474: GuitarFret18: Hi this is Carlos
GuitarFret18: Man of love
Cam2474: heyyy..
BeckerBabe2: what?
Cam2474: carlos
BeckerBabe2: who is carlos?
BeckerBabe2: I WANT CARLOS!
BeckerBabe2: wait, who is he?....
BeckerBabe2: KOSTOS!
BeckerBabe2: WHEE!
Cam2474: noo
BeckerBabe2: why not? *whines*
Cam2474: wait carlos is kyle, becca thats gross
BeckerBabe2: oh
BeckerBabe2: EW!
BeckerBabe2: EW!
Cam2474: but ur too drunk to noticed
BeckerBabe2: EW!
BeckerBabe2: EW!
BeckerBabe2: EW!
BeckerBabe2: AHHHH!
BeckerBabe2: EWWWWWWWW!
BeckerBabe2: NO!
BeckerBabe2: NO!
BeckerBabe2: NO!
BeckerBabe2: KOSTOS!
BeckerBabe2: KOSTOS!
BeckerBabe2: DANIEL CLARK!
BeckerBabe2: DANIEL CLARK!
Cam2474: u have to pivk 1
Cam2474: pick.
BeckerBabe2: i do?!
BeckerBabe2: man, this stinks
BeckerBabe2: i peekkk.....
Cam2474: yep.
BeckerBabe2: who would be better?
BeckerBabe2: *whines* aww, this is HARRD!
BeckerBabe2: i peek....
BeckerBabe2: *pick
BeckerBabe2: DANIEL CLARK!
BeckerBabe2: now can we GO?!
BeckerBabe2: hello...? have u forgoteen our plans?
Cam2474: Well get in ur car and get over here
BeckerBabe2: yeah, hehe, one problem....
BeckerBabe2: *whispers* i can't drive
Cam2474: so?
BeckerBabe2: DO U WANT TO DIE?!
BeckerBabe2: cuz i wanna live
Cam2474: ill sit on ur lap
BeckerBabe2: *sings* i just wanna live....
BeckerBabe2: *clears throat* ahem, sorry
Cam2474: looool
BeckerBabe2: yeah, but if i drive with u on me lap, u will die becuz me is a sucky driver
Cam2474: No I drive while u puch pedals
BeckerBabe2: oh, lol
BeckerBabe2: k
BeckerBabe2: YAY!
BeckerBabe2: so, ready to get laid?!
Cam2474: yeah
BeckerBabe2: go up and down.. up and down...
BeckerBabe2: ok, that was completely out of character for me
Cam2474: omg
BeckerBabe2: i am ashamed of myself
Cam2474: u should be
BeckerBabe2: ah, i'm gonna go quietly die right now
BeckerBabe2: brb
Cam2474: lol its alright
BeckerBabe2: hey, whoa there, miss corrine
Cam2474: lol no i didnt mean it like that
BeckerBabe2: lol
BeckerBabe2: i feel sad now
BeckerBabe2: i was all ready to go make out with daniel clark
BeckerBabe2: *sighs*
Cam2474: im sorry.
BeckerBabe2: *sighs even louder* its ok
Cam2474: brb
Cam2474: im back
BeckerBabe2: go away
BeckerBabe2: j/k
BeckerBabe2: me=hyper
Cam2474: me too
BeckerBabe2: i am going to update my journal
Cam2474: k
BeckerBabe2: .... i dunno what 2 write about tho
BeckerBabe2: AHA! i know!
BeckerBabe2: i am going to write down our IM
BeckerBabe2: hehe
BeckerBabe2: cuz it is funny
BeckerBabe2: brb