Oi, too long since my last entry.
Thanksgiving I spend lunch with dad at Furr’s Cafeteria. Good food. Usually I don’t especially enjoy time with my dad, but this time dad was a little more talkative about his past than usual. I think the difference is that when he talks, its usually about what he thinks I should be doing rather than about himself. I need to make sure I don’t fall into the same habit when talking to people.
Turns out my dad is allergic to a specific tree in Korea. Didn’t know he was allergic to anything.
Dinner was at Lauren’s family’s house with a bunch of other people. In Campus, the ones there were me, Kevin, Laura and Lauren. The rest composed of 5 kids and 8 older adults. Me and Laura helped take care of the kids. The food was so good and i got leftovers! Not only that, but Lauren’s family also gave me extra bed sheets that they no longer used. I like bed sheets for some reason. They’re like blankets (in that they help you keep warm) but really light and space-friendly. To me, this is efficient, and I like it that way.
Afterwards Laura invited me to go to the movies with her and Poi (sp?). I said yes. Then I asked what movie, and it turned out to be Jarhead, the movie I already saw with Roomie. Of course I didn’t say anything. I hate people not being able to see movies with me because I’ve already seen them. To me, when I see a movie with other people, it’s not about what movie I see but about the people I’m seeing it with.
Then the next day I hung out with Laura again. She suggested we go on a prayer walk some time so I said this Friday would be good because then it would get me out of the dorm room. So we walked around the park praying and then had dinner at Panda Express after. I love eating their chow mein with orange chicken. Unfortunately Laura had one of her dizzy spells before we ate and that was a little concerning. I guess Laura thought I over reacted, but I just kept asking questions to try to determine just how serious it was and whether I should offer to stick around for her the rest of the night or just let her go home on her own. In the end I offered but she didn’t feel like it was that serious.
Girls girls girls. What vexation. Its bothersome to be interested in more than one girl, especially when they live together. So in order to try to help figure out what kind of girl would be best suited for me, I’ve been studying myself pretty seriously for the past month. Here’s what I’ve come up with:
In terms of my mind:
Logical, practical, unconventional, ruled more by my mind
Able to understand complex concepts
Resist the influences of my environment
Level-headed, even in trying situations
Resolve personal issues with little difficulty.
Inventive, Imaginative, Inquisitive, Easily Intrigued
Thirst for new experiences
Constantly finding new ways to challenge my mind
Open to many points of view
Especially open to new experiences
Impartial, neutral
Tend to gather facts before coming to a conclusion
Good at seeing difference between opinion and fact
Strongly invested in my ideas and interests
Intuitive, understanding of both self and others
Pursues and uses self knowledge as a means of guiding my own life
In terms of other parts of my personality/character:
Loyal, Nurturing, Considerate, Patient, Modest, Approachable
Take people as they are
Easygoing, calm, take life in stride, positive outlook on life, even when things are tough
Find pleasure in life’s simple pleasures
Giving, tend to forgo own desires for the sake of others
Aim to please
Emotionally healthy
Strong sense of self confidence, inner peace, and stability
High/strong morals
Prefer to spend more alone time than most
Independent and likes to handle things in a self-sufficient manner
Independent personality with a dependent heart
Likes to carve out own special niche
The things I value most are:
My weaknesses are:
People may not realize that I need them as much as they need me
May gravitate towards high intensity and then lose perspective
Impressionable in love
May become dependent
May fear rocking the boat too much
Unhappiness may cause me to remove myself from situations and become passive.
Hard time understanding social rituals
Values own opinion over others
Easily bored by mundane routines
High standards in certain areas
When it comes to relationships:
I’m looking for a best friend that accepts me for who I am.
I want a playmate- someone who will play with me. So she must have a mix of maturity and immaturity, similar to me. Also a playmate of mine must be on the physical side since I love stuff like wrestling and climbing so much.
She must have better than average intelligence so that she can understand/follow my thoughts. Probably an NT (iNtuitive Thinker).
She must have strong and high morals and value harmony in the relationship, as well as growth (both personal and in the relationship).
She must have enough strength to love truth more than mercy. She must rather hear honesty than what would make her feel good.
She must be able to at least stand anime, although I would like to think someone really well suited to me would enjoy it. But then again perhaps I like anime too much, thus a well suited mate would be someone who could help me control myself regarding anime. I figure were I to become a millionaire, most of the money that I’d spend for personal reasons would be on anime type merchandise.
So when it comes to Brooke, my concern is that even though she’s a nutrition major, I’m not so sure she takes good enough care of herself. Its important to me that whoever my girl is, that she takes care of herself. I don’t want to feel like I’m responsible for her health.
Also Brooke doesn’t seem to think highly of herself. I want a confident girl, similar to me. Someone who’s realistic about herself and her abilities, as well as her weaknesses. I mean sure, I’d like it that she’d want reassurance and validation, but only to hear it be recognized, not because she doesn’t already know she has it. That looks confusing… what I mean is- in my case, I’m confident and know myself. I know usually when I do good and when its not so good. While I don’t need to hear people compliment me or whatnot, I still like it hearing them. I want a girl whose similar in that respect.
When it comes to Laura, she may be on the other end of the spectrum from Brooke. She may be too independent. I want someone who doesn’t HAVE to rely on me, yet still does so anyways. I want someone who I can become a part of their every day life, including in helping them. I love helping people, its one of my favorite things to do, so I’d want a girl who would recognize that and ask for my help, even though she doesn’t need it. Someone who enjoys my company but doesn’t need it, only wants it when she can have it.
Also she does seem to be a mix of maturity and immaturity, but I need a somewhat specific mix of it. I’m not sure Laura’s maturity is as much as I would be required to be my girl. I don’t mean that it is I that requires it, but that when it comes to my weaknesses and personality, she needs to have a certain amount of maturity or else I’d drive her batty.
So the solution? Get to know them better and let them get to know me better. Since one of my biggest requirements is that the person wants to know me and wants me as a part of their life, this will help me figure it out. Ugh, it’d suck if it turns out that both girls are interested in me. I remember one time when I went walking with Brooke that she said, “If my friend is attracted to someone, then I’m no longer attracted to them.” I wonder just how true this is. This could be in my favor.
Problem is that Brooke doesn’t feel desirable. She’s only had one relationship with a boy, and it didn’t last too long. Not only that, but that boy turned out to be in a relationship with Brooke so she could get to Laura. If Brooke’s interested in me, I’d hate to turn out to pick Laura instead of Brooke. It would just reinforce Brooke’s view of herself as not desirable. I do love Brooke and I would hate to reinforce such a belief. But at the same time I can’t choose a relationship that I didn’t think was best for me. So I’d have to just try to help Brooke out in another way if that turned out to be the case.
Meh. Time is what is called for. Don’t you hate when that’s the case?
Anyways, just got off the phone with VG. Its been like forever since I’ve talked with her. It was enjoyable. Fortunately we’re gonna hang out at the Botanical Gardens some time soon. Arg, I think we planned for the end of finals week, but I just remembered there’s a wedding I’m supposed to go to then in Las Cruces! A couple from our LC church is getting married, and I want to go. Partly because its been a really long time since I’ve had a good excuse to wear my suit, and I really like wearing my suit. But also because going on road trips with Campus is one of the best ways to get to know them better, and I definitely don’t feel like I know any of them well enough. How well is well enough? As well as if we grew up as brothers and sisters.
Earlier today, after church, four of us guys went to lunch at Flying Star. Kevin was with us, and he’s pretty new. Not a disciple yet. He seems pretty jaded about girls. When the subject was brought up, he said that he’s given up on girls. His basic idea is that guys are after sex and women after money. A very general break down and he admits this isn’t always the case. I like this subject and spoke up a bit about it.
True love isn’t loving someone only when they do what you want, but also loving them when they do what you don’t want, no matter what that is. Because true love is loving someone for who they are, and no matter what they do, they’re the same person. If you love someone and then later don’t love them because you found out they were someone different than who you thought, then you never really loved them, you only loved who you thought they were. True love is encompassing, accepting, and it endures.
I’ve been watching a lot of Naruto lately. Right now I’m on episode 58. The frog boss is awesome. I can’t wait to see him in a fight. But my favorite characters so far are Hinata and Rock Lee. Hinata is my kind of girl! She’s in love with Naruto, although Naruto doesn’t know it. She’s shy and pretty much rejected by her clan because she’s so meek and incapable. Low self esteem. Probably why she’s in love with Naruto. She constantly watches him. Finally when she’s in a preliminary match, she fights to the point of death because Naruto inspired her with his confidence and encouragement. Therefore she wouldn’t lose while he was watching. She fights to the point of death. It was quite sad.
Rock Lee is so awesome too. He’s weaker than the others- incapable in two of the three areas a ninja should be strong in. To make up for it, he works ten times harder than anyone else in the one area he had some talent in. As a result he turns out to be really awesome. In the end, even when he’s lost the use of two of his limbs, and even though he’s unconscious, he stands up to fight. Unconscious!
Winter break is coming. I fear the boredom. Krys asked me if I’d apartment sit for her while she’s in England with the Brit. Problem is that I’m allergic to cats and she has two cats. I can stand a little cat hair, but Krys doesn’t have a vacuum cleaner and so there’s a LOT of cat hair. Also turns out Claritin should be able to help me. So I figure I can stay at Krys’ place at least every other day (with some vacuuming and maybe Claritin) to take care of the cats and work during winter break. So to help stave off the boredom, I want to buy FFX and Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance. I’m looking off ebay, and they have some pretty good deals. Also I’m thinking about upgrading my Netflix for one month to 8 dvd’s a month. Don’t know if that will work well with campus mail though.
But yeah, I definitely should work hardcore during winter break. Its going to be expensive, especially food-wise. And then I may end up going with VGnCo to Santa Fe for some snowboarding on New Years Eve, and the Ski Resort Conference on January 6-8. I likely won’t do any snowboarding there, just hang out with everyone.
So right now while another episode of Naruto is downloading, I’m perusing thinkgeek.com. There are two shirts I want. The first one is a red one with the capsaicin molecule on front. Do I dare express my dorkiness so blatantly? Not only would wearing that shirt suggest that I’m saying I’m hot stuff, but saying it in such a geeky way! That would be too great.
And the other one is the +20 shirt of smiting shirt. Talk about expressing my dorkiness. Perhaps if I have not found the right girl yet, it will help attract her.
Went to Banana Republic with Krys last week and tried some stuff on. Arg, they looked good on me, but their prices! Why do they have to have sizes that fit me? Arg! Well, I probably shouldn’t buy them since i’m hell on clothes. Its pretty much a waste for me to spend a lot of money on clothes because they don’t last long unless they’re made to endure.
Anyways, I think I’ve said enough for now. Till next time folksies! Ciao!