Hmm, what should i do for this fateful day?

Nov 08, 2006 07:43

Yeah yeah, long time. I know. Wow, August 11th was the last time i posted in here.

Well anyways, i came to LJ for a specific reason.

So when it comes to the church campus group, i guess my first day was on Feburary 10th '05. That's when i met everyone. I don't remember if Laura was there that day or if i didn't see her till the week after.

Then i went to a birthday party for two of the girls (March 30th), and there i think is when i began to notice Laura (it was her breakdancing that piqued my interest).

But it wasn't till April 21st that i decided i was interested in her.

Then over the next year and 2 months, i got to spend a lot of time with her and in June of '06 i wrote here:
"Certainly an important topic to me is love. Still interested in Chore. I've actually fallen in love with her heart. It's more a question of personalities and paths now. But dang... what a fighter's heart she has! She has a similar view to pain than i do... that no matter the pain, it's the result that we achieve in ourselves that matter. Still though, i'm not sure we'd be compatible as mates. There are issues in my mind that make me think we're not right for each other, but of course the heart disagrees. I do think if we tried with mutual interest, that we could succeed, but should we try? I've thought and prayed muchly over her and already know that before i broke this subject with her, i would wait for 2 things. 1) that she'd get over her chronic fatigue (i figure she's a different person than she'd normally be w/o the CF) and 2) if she stays in Albuquerque once she graduates in the Fall. I know she wants to move to New York City... not exactly where i want to end up. Plus i don't want to do the whole long distance relationship thing any more... i mean come on, three times being in love with a long distanced girl? That's more than enough for this homie."

Funny thing is that following this entry, Laura reported her chronic fatigue was getting better and she also signed up for a year of staying in Albuquerque (which was at least 6 months longer than she or i had originally thought she'd stay in ABQ).

Well anyways, i still haven't said anything. But then a week ago.. that fateful November 2nd, Mark/Kevin and I were playing pool and he decided to propose a wager (keep in mind i beat him at least 5 times more often than i beat him). He proposed that if he lost, he'd come to church with me that Sunday. But if i lost, then i'd have to reveal to Laura my feelings. Well, guess what? I won. So he wanted a rematch and if he lost, he'd have to go with me 2 weeks in a row.

I lost.

So the details is that i have to tell her by C.O.B. Nov 28th.

So the question to you girls. How shall i proceed? But then i suppose i should fill in more details.

First, i think she's 23? Maybe just 22. In either case, i'm a bit older than her (being 27 and my birthday a month before hers). How bad of a gap is that?

As for where she is in life, she's supposed to graduate this december, but because of her chronic fatigue, she might end up failing History and having to come to UNM in Spring just for that class. Other than that, she's not really sure of what she's going to do after graduation. Seems likely that she's going to want to move away.

As for me, i'll be getting my degree in Fall '07. That's at least half a year after her (depending if she fails history or not).

As for her personality, she is a little bit of a tomboy i guess. She doesn't really like flowers that much nor likes romantic movies. But she does talk in a funny voice to her cats and she has lots of shoes. She doesn't like dresses. Most of her friends (outside the church) are guys (funny since most my friends are girls).

So i'm thinking that on Nov22nd Wednesday at 5:30pm (me and her have a regular hang out time every Wednesday before our group's devotional at 7pm) i'll tell her i'm making it a Laura appreciation day and take her out to dinner someplace nice. while there, waiting for our food and eating, i'll give her something i put together (a collection of my favorite memories about her and about how great i think she is) and have some pleasant conversation.

Then tell her i wrote a story and give it to her, asking for her opinion. It'll be something random and funny, but with a twist at the end where it explains the wager with Mark and how i have to tell Laura how i feel about her.

Then i'd start with a disclaimer telling her that i don't want her to feel uncomfortable and that i hope she knows me well enough to realize just how strong i am emotionally. And that what would bother me is if she didn't trust me to be able to handle her honest feelings, whatever they are.

Then i'd tell her how exactly i feel about her. Being in love with her heart, having been interested in her all this time, still unsure but feeling that the loss of the wager was God's way of prodding me into action.

I should probably think of something for the ride back from the restaurant in case things get uncomfortable.

So far, Mark/Kevin says i have to make it really romantic, but i'm afraid that if Laura doesn't share the same interest, then the romantic setting would be a pressure and add to the uncomfortableness.

My brother says that i should do it in a way to make Laura pose the question of who i'm interested in so that it's her asking me rather than me telling her outright.

What do you peeps think?
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