*turns around and sticks out his hand*
Ok. I'm here to say something about my short and simple entries.
"Steve -- Was a pretty cool guy until he lost his mind." - Lauren link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/torgoknees4life/ Yes people I lost it. I lost my mind.
"Why did you loose your mind Oji-sensai" - Hitmoi
Ahh well in this society (as in some of my friends) instead of watching drama and learning from it, they tend to live it.
"What do you mean" - Kensuki
Well it’s quite simple. Rather then doing what they say they say and not do.
For example. Ummmm........Hmmmmmm.....AH!!
There’s a friend that I know in America, a really good friend someone that you could easily get to know and trust, but he has a sickness. A dreadful ...... mental illness as you will. He tends to forget his lesser then cool friends and go after the cool more hip friends.
"Then that makes him not a friend sir. That’s what we call two faced a holes. OOPS hehehe sorry Oji-sensai "- Kasumi
It’s alright Kasumi Ill see you after class though.
"Ok Oji darling OOPS!!"-Kasumi
Well that might be true. I still considered him as a friend, until I realized something about this friend. This friend likes drama. He likes to live what happens in those drama series that your mothers see.
Oh and Kasumi tell your mother her pink cherry pie was delicious.
Back to the subject...
He wrote many awful things to his friends and to me as well. Just for the sole purpose of fulfilling that certain empty spot in his heart. He wanted the out side world to feel sorry for him when he’s down and lonely. Instead of just facing those feeling he would go on to his Live Journal and write about how he had a bad day and how it could only happen to him.
"Oji-sensai, what is a Live Journal?"- Hotsuma
Ah! Nice question. Live Journal is an online journal that you share your life with. He was using it to convey deep personal thoughts that he knows only his friends read. These thoughts fluid many MANY fights.
"But isn’t a journal? And if you don’t like it should you just not read it?"- Naruto
That is a good point, but that was the only way that we could ever get in touch with him. See only time that we ever saw this person was when we had a get together or if one of us reached out and got in touch with him. I did what you said and I found out that with in a 5 or 6 month he has gotten a girlfriend and a car. A lot of stuff has happened with in his life and I wanted in. I asked for something more than I asked for. He told me that I would be his best friend someone that he could count on and stuff that get to a guys heat.
"That’s really sweat!!"-The whole class
But something happened that changed my life. I lost my first car and a friend. I got in to a car accident and yes I’m alright, but this friend stopped his contact and so called "friendship" with me. I was lost for words. All the promise of we’ll be friends for life was a lie. His girlfriend was so caring and friendly but that was a lie. All the things that these people made and said were all lies. I didn’t know what to say other then treating them like they do me. Ignore.
This all cam about because people write what they think and what they feel about there friends online, this equaled to something. When you poor your emotions into something you tend to write more then you expect. So in the end I decided to take out my emotions and just say want is new in my life. So that my friends could see what is happening in my life. Also with this if a person wants to know more about my life they can call and ask me and hang.
So class in the end I did loose my mind just like what Lauren said.
I got Resident Evil 4 and so far so good.
I beat GTA San Andreas and my god is it fucken good.
I got Persona for the PSX. Old Rare and fucken good
I think theres a fucken problem with my vocab heheheh.
Watch Gokusen because its just too good!!
Thats all for now.