Mar 17, 2009 17:24

So I got a picture of Snow City Cafe from outside and my meal and I've got some other random photo's for you folks!

First off Snow City!

My brunch. It was the breakfast special of the week - Apple Cinnamon stuffed french toast with almond butter. YUMTASTIC!

Strawberry shortcake from our local Lucky Wishbone...DELICIOUS FOOD!! Holy crap if you don't live in Alaska and you come to visit I'm totally taking you there and you'll love it to itty bitty pieces!!

More snow city awesome. I made my breakfast look HWAT one day. hahahaha


Now we've got another place. Our other haunt is the Bears Tooth. Excellent food and $3 movies. Here's what it looks like:

They also make delicious foods. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *drools*

I think I like to take pictures of my food way too much...hahaha. But when it looks so good I can't resist! Soon I'll just have to haul my actual camera with me places and take good pictures of the food. Yuumm~  I've realized that it sucks watching your friends drink in front of you, knowing that your almost god damn 21.  They purposely savor the taste of their beer and make sure to comment about how delicious it tastes and then go OH LOOK I CAN DRINK! HAH! Just you wait bitches!!! I'll be there soon!

And I might as well add a picture or two of what I look like right now as I'm making this a picture-esque post it seems. lol

Me and my partner in crime and local retard (haha), Zach.

Besides me taking pictures of my food and stuff....yea....haha My coworker never contacted me nor answered her phone so that was a no go. Didn't get my passport picture taken care of. FUCK, but it seems I may do it tomorrow. Who seems that plans do not fair well with me. Do I exude spontinaity? Possibly.....

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