So, I dragged...drug? out the mac mini from where it was gathering dust, pulled out an old 17" monitor and decided to set up a...desktop? A...sort of thing that I could leave on at all times, and not drag around with me like my laptop.
I miss my old desktop, all capable of playing games, but I found an old journal (handwritten) entry where I went on and on about how I wanted this really hot pc, it was all PIII 933 MHz, with 256 MB of ram and a 64 MB graphics card...and I realized how much Moore's Law holds true. My old desktop, as fun as she was three years ago, would be a jalopy by today's standards. A veritable jalopy. It's sad but true.
But it's interesting getting used to the whole shiny white mac interface thing, the flowing calm zen of it's like I want to be long haired and wearing dark glasses and smoking things of interesting substance whilst I type on this thing.'s fairly bizarre. But, Justin Long, I am not. Thank goodness. I kinda like being me.
On the other hand, I found ijournal, which is apparently the mac version of semagic, or sort of. So, that's kinda nice. Clean white lines, widgets on my desktop...oh stop me before I become too bourgois. pfft.
Went outside, cleaned up the front yard, it's amazing how many sticks this stupid tree drops all over, and part of me, from reading "So You Want to Be a Wizard" is hesitant to ruin the pattern that the tree is making, but I talked to her, and asked her if she could please drop them in the street, as I want to replant the front yard and turn it into a vegetable garden. After I put the little white picket fence up. Heh. But, I did edge the walk, as I plan on prying up the darn concrete walkway and putting in a nice black crushed stone path, and then, redo the front porch. I concrete? really? I've already started drafting to just hire a surveyor so I can figure out exactly where I can build. And find out the township requirements for setbacks. And get a building permit for the work I plan on doing...!
Hilary keeps trying to get me to go places, but I don't know how to quite make her understand that the complete absence of people yelling all the time is just a form of bliss right now. She worries that I'm going to become some sort of hermit crab, but really, not being surrounded by 280 other guys all yelling at the top of their lungs is very...nice. yes, nice. I'll get where I need to be when I have to be there. That's the whole of it all.