So...quick update, I mean, look at the fscking time! I need sleep! But, got asked to go to a little gathering, and I went, and drank. way too much. But it was good seeing old friends. And then getting in a semi-fight. Drunk people sure are a bit belligerant...and I think I spelled that wrong.
I love this song (See current music)
"Tell her something in my mind, freezes up from time to time..."
Yeah. idiocy moment. Which means = heather thought.
But! it was fun seeing old friends, and I can't say I've been this not sober in a very long time...heh.
I want to be profound, but I'm finding it hard to be coherent. My thoughts seem so...relevant, but they are mostly filled with the desire to see boobs. Which is not at all profound. hahaha...oh b'jeezus, why do people let me on the computer when I'm not sober?
I just wish...ah fsck, not gonna go there. Everyone knows what I wish, and it's just pure idiocy to wish for something that isn't gonna happen. idiocy! fsck!
but, oh yeah, went to a buffet place tonight, and it just amazes me...the sheer excess that we as Aremicans participate in, is it really necessary to have that much food? And at the end of the night, what do they do with the old food that didn't get eaten? I wonder if maybe they box it up and send it to a soup kitchen. One could only hope, right?
and I am going to go to sleep now, and sleep off this drunk, and hope that I don't dream of her.