Title: All Male…(6/?)
Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae
Genre: Comedy, Semi-Angst, Semi-Drama, M-preg
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It was accidental. All things bad are accidental, but his is just unfortunate and just not possible. He blames his parents and god. Mostly parents.
Im Fat )
Comments 29
have to deal with su mood swing...
but he love su... so it fine to him...
su is sooooo cute...
it's your breakfast... he whisperly say...
as an apology...
so cute.........
can't wait for yoosu's baby...
update soon...
The awesome cuteness that is Yoosu baby has to be shared.^^
and lol @ su's convy on being fat! lol
I love this! !cant wait 4 more!
Yes Junsu is something isn't he?
Lol. Thank you. and promise I will try not to be too late!^^
This is just too funny and cute. I'm scared of how hormonal Su can be lol.
And your drawings are sweeeet, I fell in love with Yoosu baby!!! Totally cute with that custom!!! <333333333333
Yes Jae and Changminnie were in for a very big awakening...poor baby's.
Thank you.^^ I was thinking of the Yoosu couple and they are all fluffy and cute and tada cute and fluffy baby!^^
he's like almost bipolar lol
RIP park yoochun XD
and te drawings are adorable!!! preggy!su is so cute!
Yes...lets hope not...i mean what does one wear to a Yoochun funeral? Modest or just plain hanging all out?
I mean he was/is the player and all...
Thanks for the compliment.^^ I tried, yes its hard to make Susu all belly out with out him looking like drunk!>
poor chun, must be hard to deal with ><"
i'd imagine jae must've be firing up at the sight of his beautiful kitchen ruined,,
and lol. min, no more precious food~
oh, and the pics are absolutely ADORABLE♥
can't w8 for more<3
Jaejoong held it back magnificently...considering his kitchen....Changminnie not so much right?Lol. But there is always take out Minnie!!
Thanks I tried.
Ill be posting that as soon as I can.^^
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