Title: All Male…(6/?)
Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae
Genre: Comedy, Semi-Angst, Semi-Drama, M-preg
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It was accidental. All things bad are accidental, but his is just unfortunate and just not possible. He blames his parents and god. Mostly parents.
Im Fat )
Comments 29
haha and now he has to eat the uh..."puke" or else su's going kill him. haha.
Yes Moody Junsu is the awesome, he makes no sense. Yes you are right...no pitying for Chunnie if he had kept it in his pants he wouldn't have to deal with it...but he didnt so ha!!!
Yes the beautiful loving breakfast. This should be interesting no?
and.. it's hillarious. hahahaha... I really enjoyed and loved each part.
junsu with his mood swing, and the way junsu handled it. ^^
so totally in love with the story
Im glad you think its funny!^^ It's supposed to be but I never know if it is.
The story is totally in love with ya too!^^
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Although im glad i brightened your day a little!^^ Laughter is the best medicine right?
Yes Chunnie pushed in the corner is very very entertaining you never know what he will do...
Thanks!^^ It makes me happy to know that it looks like Susu!!^^ although i parted his hair wrong...>> I didnt tell ya that! K. Soo keep it in a hush hush...k?
Well you have seen his parents right? They are just adorable...my main concern is...the Yoosu babys personality...player or innocent? The choices I have to make...I haven't even decided if its a boy or girl yet....>> im a dork.
and i can totally imagine junsu on the bed at a store and refusing to get off... hahaha
thanks for posting!
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