i waffled
so im gonna try and split my focus and work on unreal stuff during the day and regular source stuff at night, until i finish this last project, since id already put time into it. ill make the full switch after this next thing is done
layout i threw together in mspaint at work in about 10 minutes
about 90 minutes of work in hammer
starting room is inside a train car, hoping i can figure out a way to make you have to cut your way through a wall with a chainsaw
my initial plan for the first objective isnt really... plausible. i was thinking of having to find the keys to the van thats parked outside the building, to drive it into the semi trailer, so then you can climb over it, except the mesh height doesnt add up to where you can realistically climb on top of the semi trailer from the top of the van... i could have move the semi down a bit, and have the van plow through the chain fence, but thats... less exciting.. still not sure what to do with that
want to try some sort of dynamic path between first and second objectives, like having to blow up a car to clear a path or something... still not sure what im going to do here
second objective is going to be a really dark building with no power, all the windows are boarded up.. once inside you trigger a horde and all the zombies are placed at the destructible boards covering the windows/doors so as they break into the room, it lets light in.. it sounded interesting when i thought of it..... also entry into this place is going be split for some characters
not sure what to do with the big wide open space outside between 2 and 3. was thinking like a car lot of a bunch of vehicles.. as you progress through the lot, some jets go overhead and bomb the lot making it unpassable.. it'll also blow up half the building, just because.. i know how to just cover up some craters and stuff with regular brushes that explode when triggered, not sure if there are any vehicles that have physics on them. explosions in a car lot is less fun if there arent cars flying around =(
*edit* hello prop_physics_override.. i love you
not sure on what kind of layout of stuff i want to do with the third building.. except that it'll be 2 stories (pads out travel time) and have some sort of large significant marking that draws the player to it (since it'll be seen from the start of the level, i want it known that it is your goal) may try other dynamic paths in this area like having to shoot gas canisters to blow open locked door or something, potential areas for split paths due to structural weaknesses, etc
not sure of the ending, figure it should be something exciting since its just a single map, but had initially planned for just jumping into another train car to end it.. which reeks of boring. hoping something will just......... come to me
i wanted a car crusher or metal grinder in there somewhere too... not sure if thats plausible or not =(
unreal stuff is... meh, so far. the set of videos im watching while at work are very VERY thorough (here's a video on how to make....... a wall) kind of an eyeroll at the moment, but at the same time glad that they're so thorough because ill need it when they get to stuff that is actually new to me
I've had this song on repeat for about 2 hours. I don't like their new album, their old stuff is better =(