there's a couple VERY large blemishes on this game, for me
1. due to its linearity, everytime you run into a point where things are just overly difficult for you, you have to backtrack. there's no "other stuff" like in other FF games. backtrack, level, come back and try again. this REALLY blows when you're halfway through a dungeon hitting a brick wall.
2. the game doesnt save paradigms for your group. since there's a LOT of situational fights where the typical trinity (tank, damage, heal) doesn't suffice, you have to swap around characters a bit. and everytime you do that, you have to recreate your paradigms. i cant see any reason why this would put a limit on the memory of the game, but i almost feel that there has to be... theres no way this could just be some oversight
these two things are sucking the fun out of the ending of the game for me =(