sorry for the ginormous pictures... forgot to resize
this is officially in my 'dead projects' folder now.. an 'in progress' walkthrough doc is at the bottom.. if you're really interested, it might be better to read that and jump back up to the screenshots since they might make more sense that way...
red = movement objects (ledges, etc)
black = non interactive objects (rocks, trees, etc)
green = movement path
this is the start. you arrive here on a beach by shipwreck. there's a rockslide blocking the path up the beach, so you climb up the cliffs surrounding the beach. this is supposed to be a tutorial area, so it walks you through using ledges, tree roots, the first use of the rock slide to fill in a ditch to cross, shooting down a tree to make a bridge, and shooting some rope thingy to let logs roll down the hill to clear a barricade allowing progress
these all show the same area from different perspectives. more narrative of the environment is revealed here, there was a battle where one side was invading the home of another (random person against pirate camp) pirates had a dock trap thingy set up with a collapsing bridge over a pit. rotten posts still exist to navigate across, you have to shoot stalagmites (or is it stalagcites?) from the ceiling to get through part of it. last jump brings down part of the ceiling behind you preventing backtrack
messy interpretation of what is supposed to be going on here... there's a battering ram set up chained to braced rafters in the cave, you naturally figure that to progress you have to break the door down. so you pull back the battering ram but it just pops the door out of its joint a little bit creating a ledge to move through the room to the upper exit
i didn't have a plan for this area for the longest time... the only notable areas in this sequence is the tree in the middle where you shoot up the roots to loosen it up, pull it down, and use your special super fast movement power thingy to run across the tree to the other ledge before it collapses the ledge that you were on previously. at the end, near the exit to the next area, you had to sort of circle around the grate to get it open and then double back to get in.. there's supposed to be a waterfall coming out of that grated exit that i didnt paint in for whatever reason...
same area for both of these shots, you just progress along the walls until reaching dry land. the 'catch' of this area is that there is another battering ram setup like in the previous area, but it starts a collapse in the room which forces you into the next area which was supposed to be both an unexpected result and, obviously, an 'oh shit' moment since you have to move forward or die
this is the "Slide" area in the walkthru doc that i didnt plan out visually.. i only had a general vague sense of what i wanted to happen in here, and how it would look
this is the pirate city part of the walkthru doc. it's missing a LOT of stuff since I was having problems with maya inverting the normals on my geometry for some reason... rather than go through the hassle of reversing all the faces i just fricken deleted it all. green line goes through the destroyed church, up a watch tower/post thingy, across some sunken ships to the end goal of SomeRandomPirate's ship to get whatever it was you were looking for in the first place
walkthrough doc here! yes it's a doc file. no its not a virus. i promise
position i applied for asked for scripting examples, which felt odd... not really sure what language they use, or what they want to see. the closest thing to scripting im familiar with is the GUI based object oriented scripting in Source.. and its not actually writing out the code, but selecting the scripts to run on the objects when the conditions are met (barrel takes damage, barrel explodes, etc)
so im going single player, heavy on scripted encounters.. hoping to have a playable prototype in a week
idea post tomorrow