Hi there...how is it going??...
Well, I'm still busy as a call center operator...but despite that thing...recently I've got another lesson to learned...
You know that Ryo have a drama this season??..., at first I was wondering who will made his sub...and I intend to make the sub for that drama....luckily after couple episode
niwiwin decide to translate
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Comments 5
mau nyoba ngesub juga >
mau bisa nyoba ngesub juga, subber di fandom exile langka soalnya xDD
sekalian ngelatih nihongo juga hehe
software nya apa yah?
ini buat donlot aegisubnya : http://www.aegisub.org/downloads/
ini buat manual tutorialnya: http://www.aegisub.org/
ini buat liat di yutub tutorialnya : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjDL0booJv0
tapi klo buat bikin hardsubnya gw instal avidemux...yg ramah dgn komputer gw..avidemux ini...tapi sebelumnya instal juga aplikasi pendukung yg namanya avysinth, vobsub codec, xvid codecnya biar bisa lancar encoding videonya...
buat sementara lancarin dulu aja bikin softsubnya....nanti gw terusin kalo udh lancar aegisubnya...:)
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