7 Minutes in Heaven… Or Not!!

Sep 29, 2011 02:37

Title: 7 Minutes in Heaven… Or Not!! (Chapter 5)
Author: shinpark11
Genre: Slash, romance
Pairing(s): Jaevin (AJ/Kevin), 2shin
Group: UKISS
Point of View: written in different POVs
Summary: 7 Minutes in Heaven isn’t what everyone thinks it is…


Everyone finished their breakfast. Kevin~hyung and AJ~hyung volunteered to do the dishes. Eli~hyung and Kiseop~hyung have a variety show to shoot today so they ready themselves. Soohyun~hyung is escorted by Hoon~hyung to the living room. And as for me, I am left alone in the dining table.

Thinking about Hoon~hyung taking care of Soohyun~hyung makes me jealous. I don’t know why but something isn’t right. I am the boyfriend yet I can’t take care of him myself.

Instead of staying in the dining table alone, I decided to go to my room and as I was on my way, I saw Soohyun~hyung in the living room, watching a movie, alone. He saw me standing on one part of the room and he looked at me. I just gave him a smile. Feeling that it’s time to talk about things, I went to him and sat beside him in the couch.

“Hyung?” I half said half whispered.

“Hmmm?” Hearing this kinda broke me in two. He seemed like he’s not interested on what I have to say; his eyes still glued onto the television.

“Hyung… I… Sorry.”

“Sorry for being jealous. Sorry if I acted like that. Of all people, I should have known that it’s just nothing.” I am too ashamed to look at him so I just looked at the floor.

Without even saying a word, Soohyun~hyung hugged me, which surprised me. He didn’t even utter a single word. He just hugged me tight that left me breathless.

“Hyung?” I asked him.

“You don’t have to be. I understand. I too, was faulty. I’m sorry.” He blurted out.

“Hyung…” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence for my lips was block from saying anything by those soft pink lips belonging to Soohyun~hyung.

It was a sweet innocent kiss that lasted for a while until we heard a thud caused by an object that fell on the floor. We looked for whoever interrupted our sweet moment, but saw no one.

Just then, I was push back on the couch by hyung until we are both lying on it; him on top of me. He kissed me like he’s been longing so long for it. We kissed until be both ran out of air.

“I missed you my Donggie.”

“I missed you too my Soobear. And I love you so much.” I then put my arms that were formerly in his chest, around his neck to pull him a little closer.

“I love you more.” He then again captured my lips on his.

“Oops!” We heard someone said and we both look up to see Hoon~hyung standing behind the couch.

“I think I just interrupted you guys. Really sorry. I just wanted to give this to Soohyun~hyung.” He handed us some medicines that I think he went to find when he left Soohyun~hyung a while ago.

“Okay. I’ll leave you guys now so you can continue your lovey-dovey moment.” He then smiled to us and went to his room.

Soohyun~hyung and I smiled to each other. We decided that it was not the right time to continue what was supposed to happen a while ago. We both sat up and then I gave him his medicines.

I told Soohyun~hyung that I’ll take care of him and that there’ll be no excuses.

“I wouldn’t mind if I get to be with you everytime.” It was all he has to say.

We then continued watching the movie that he was abandoned a while ago. Hyung put his arm protectively on my waist as I cuddled with him on his chest. Just enough to smell his intoxicating scent.


AJ and Kevin volunteered to wash the dishes they used for breakfast that day. While doing the dishes, they came to talked about how their relationship started.

“Baby, remember the time you confessed to me? The first time you told me you love me? Kevin started.

“How could I ever forget? The first time I told you I love you then you walked out on me.”

“What?! I got shock.” Kevin felt a little guilty on what he did to AJ that time, which AJ didn’t miss to notice.

“You’re so cute.” AJ pinched Kevin’s cheek; forgetting that they were doing the dishes and that his hands has some soap in it.

Kevin pouted on AJ’s actions, which earned him an apology from AJ while wiping the soap in his cheek.

“So, what about?”

“Hmmm… I was just wondering… How did you even come up with that idea?! 7 minutes in heaven?!” Kevin looked at AJ waiting for an answer.

“Oh that.”

“Actually, it wasn’t my idea. Soohyun~hyung’s. He told me that that is how he confessed to Dongho few years ago and it turned out really well. Don’t you know about it?” AJ was wondering why Kevin doesn’t know about it where in fact, he has been friends with them for years.

“Oh yeah. I forgot. Yeah, I remember now. I kind of forgot because I wasn’t actually there when that happened. And you actually believe that it will be the same for us?” Kevin giggled a little.

“Hey, there is no harm in trying.” AJ responded Kevin’s giggle with a pout which Kevin found really cute so he kissed him once bringing a smile on AJ’s lips.

“And where were you that time?” AJ continued and asked.

“Well, I was with Kibum~hyung. We went out coz it’s a free day.”

“Okay.” Then it was silent for a couple of minutes.

“By the way, why did you walked out on me when I confessed?” Curiosity continues to invade AJ’s mind. He would want to know what Kevin felt that day.

“Well, uhhmm… I was… confused.”

“Confused of what?”

“What I actually feel for you. You don’t know how much I melted when you confessed to me. I just don’t want to show it coz you might find me that easy. And I was afraid.” He told AJ truthfully.

“But… But I found out that it was no help at all so…” Kevin continued.

“I love you.”

“I love you too AJ.” And a simple kiss was shared.

They continued to do the dishes. Kisses are stolen every now and then so it took them longer to actually finish it.


The day went by with the two couples cuddling with each other and Hoon cuddling with a big bear in the living room. They all decided to have a movie marathon that day; Kiseop and Eli not yet home from their schedules.

“Kevin~hyung, I almost forgot. Kibummie~hyung sent me a text message a while ago saying that he will be back in Korea in two weeks time.” Dongho said while getting his phone from his pocket to show Kevin the text message.

“Really? Oh my. I’m so excited to see him again.” Kevin couldn’t contain his happiness that he pulled himself from AJ and went to his room; telling the others that he should contact their Xander~hyung about this; leaving the rest all stunned, especially AJ.


Evening approached. It was 10 in the evening when the all the members decided to go sleep. Kiseop and Eli got back home by 7 and they shared a delicious dinner. Hoon cooked.

“Dongho~yah.” Soohyun called the maknae that was about to go to his shared room with Kevin.

“What? Need a good night kiss?” Dongho jokingly said that Soohyun chuckled a bit.

“Maybe… and another thing.” He corresponds. Dongho gave him a questioning look.

“You should sleep in my room. Kevin asked me to tell you that AJ will be sleeping over.”

“Again?” He sounds irritated.


“I can’t even sleep in my own room because of those two. Aist!!” The maknae said annoyed.

“But what about you hyung? Don’t tell me you’re going to sleep on the couch again?! You still have a cold you know.” He asked Soohyun with an obvious worry on his face and with the tone of his voice.

Soohyun smiled as he patted the maknae’s head. “Don’t worry. I would be sleeping in AJ and Hoon’s room. I’ll be using AJ’s bed.”


“I’ll be sleeping in AJ’s bed tonight. It’s obviously the one unoccupied.”

“But… can’t you just…”

“Can’t I just what? What does the maknae wants?” Soohyun said as he put his arm around Dongho; hugging the boy.

“Can’t you just sleep on your room tonight? With me? Your bed is quite big. And we used to share it before.” Dongho asked and said innocently.

“Okay. If that’s what my Donggie wants.” Dongho smiled but what he doesn’t know is that Soohyun was thinking of other things. Way beyond what Dongho was thinking.

Before going to bed, Soohyun went to Hoon and told the latter that he will be sleeping with Dongho instead. Hoon said it’s fine but when Soohyun left the room, he looked like a bit disappointed.

update!!! it's been a week or so since I last updated so I guess it's time., ^-^ mian if this chapter has more 2shin than Jaevin. I just need to put them all in here coz I planned on focusing more on Jaevin on the following chapters., since this is originally a Jaevin fic., not a 2shin one., ^-^ anyways, i hope you like it., comments are appreciated., ^-^ oh and the Donggie and Soobear in the fic, I got it from one of the 2shin fics here in LJ., I find it so cute so I used it., credits to whoever has thought of those cute pen names for 2shin.,

2shin, 7 minutes in heaven, aj/kevin, jaevin, soohyun/dongho

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