*Hikaru no Go recommendations part something or other

Mar 06, 2006 15:33

Lol, being a Hikago nut, I have this insane urge to read practically everything I can find in the fandom. The only problem is that all the authors in the fandom are just so darn good. Therefore, I get way behind in my recommendations and reading. A lot of these are courtesy of issen4 and smut_ho, so if you've already seen most of these, sorry.

Different Roads, Same Destination chapter 1 2 3 4 5 by lady_addiction (series, WIP, AU) Hikaru is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis before the start of the series. DR is an intriguing look at a very different Hikaru and how his attitude may change in light of Sai and go.

Those Old Dreams by lady_addiction (oneshot, Gen, Hikaru, Akari, post-series) A look into Hikaru's thoughts and perceptions about his turn in life away from being just a middle schooler to go player. Very nice description and introspection.

And the Stars Fell Down by murinae (oneshot, gen, post-volume 17) A short, nighttime vignette about Sai as he ponders Go, Hikaru, and the other strange things in his very long afterlife . . .

Driven by murinae (oneshot, crossover, HnGxDN, gen) A crossing by chance of two very different universes. Hikaru no Go and Death Note.

Your Hand in Mine by murinae (oneshot, gen, post-series) Despite the nature of his dreams, it will be through fire, not water, that he will lose his last, tangible connection to Sai.

Ishi no Shita :: Under the Stones by murinae (oneshot, gen, post-series) There are some games you can win. There are some games you must lose. And there are fathers and sons.

Upon NetGo by issen4 (oneshot, AU, shounen-ai) What if Hikaru had continued to play NetGo? Making light of medical emergencies. Luce has hit on my personal Hikaru no Go kink. Netplaying!Hikaru. And she's continuing the series in Next to NetGo 1/?.

Conversation with Mother and What Mothers Know by issen4 (series, complete, shounen-ai) Crack! coversations between Touya and his mother and hikaru and his. Very giggle worthy.

Unfolding Fan by issen4 (series, complete, gen) More than twenty years later, Touya mopes about his life. Shindou is there. An extremely engrossing look at a possible future for Shindou and Touya, and how even if they aren't menat to be together, they're still integral parts of each other's life. I really liked how the two clicked here, teaming up amongst all the action and adventure that Luce provided.

A Boy and His Ghost by flonnebonne (oneshot, gen, post-series) Hikaru haunts. Akira mopes. Sai just floats. An extremely orginal concept that just got to me.

Memoirs of a Go Player by flonnebonne (one-shot, crack, shounen-ai) The diary of Touya Akira--that is, if he were a crazy stalker like in all the BL doujinshi. delightful crack that makes me glad that I've supplied flonnebonne with lots of doujinshi. I might have to make sure I get her more if this is the result ^^

Soft drink by tsaiko (oneshot, Waya-centric, mentions of Shindou/Touya) Why Waya hates Touya.

A Better Person by mousapelli (oneshot, shounen-ai, Touya/Shindou, Some Waya/Isumi-ness) Touya doesn't miss much, but that doesn't mean he understands Isumi's point of view. I love the conversation between Akira and Isumi. Very nicely done.

Adding to the Noise by mousapelli (oneshot, shounen-ai, post-series) Shindou doesn't like when things are too quiet. Sweet, funny, and a cute look at Touya getting a better understanding of Shindou.

Life Imitates Art by mousapelli (oneshot, shounen-ai, post-series) Hikaru might be spending just a little too much time watching TV. One of the more cracked out ways Shindou and Touya got together. Hilarious.

Perfect Game by mousapelli (oneshot, shounen-ai, post-series) Another way that Shindou and Touya find the Hand of God, but the way they find it... *g*

Normal by insaneidiot (oneshot, shounen-ai) Normal means different things to different people.

Weird by insaneidiot (onehsot, shounen-ai, nothing to do with Normal) Akira is acting weird, and Hikaru is on a quest to figure out why. Waya is generally obnoxious and unhelpful.

Yukatas in Summer by crunchy_salad (oneshot, shounen-ai) Hikaru is dragged into going to the summer festival.

Requiem for a Dad by VKempf (oneshot, gen) Hikaru asks his father about why he wasn't around more. An introspective piece. I especially liked the allusions at the end.

Fallen Gardenia by erishon (oneshot, gen, post-series) When Touya Kouyo was struck down by his second heart attack someone sent him a small potted Gardenia. The plant was in a small, wicker pot and had five flowers. Akira didn't know who had sent it, but he noticed that one of the white flowers was pressed against the radiator and was slowly turning brown.

Foreplay and Rendezvous by Mina Lightstar ukefied (drabbles, unrelated, second one is a crossover, HnGxBatman) OOps, I forgot the first drabble during my first read through, but it's so cute. *g* The second one Mina says is AkiraXBruce, but I deny it vehemently! Friendship, I say, friendship.

Sunny Holiday by Mina Lightstar ukefied (oneshot, gen, shounen-ai if you squint) Shindou has a mission: to get Touya to lighten up. So cute and just perfectly Shindou and Touya. I really like how you could see Shindou in canon deciding that Touya needs more time away from it all.

The Gift by Mina Lightstar ukefied (oneshot, gen) Hikaru has a birthday present for Akira.

On a Street in Innoshima by tarigwaemir (oneshot, gen, post-series) Written for the jump100 challenge: "Listen! For I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed." I really liked the mood of the piece, very wispy and fantastical even though Shindou and Touya are just takinga walk.

Balance 1 2 3 4 5 by tarigwaemir (series, complete, gen, AU) A swords and sorcery cliche fic that casts Hikaru as a novice at the local church finding a mysterious, possesed sword. Yay, this is a turning point in Hikaru no Go fandom. Once the authors feel comfortable enough writing totally out there AUs, you know that the fandom is getting popular. Hee.

I post only one line summaries because I care. Really. *hides*
Also, I may have left some totally deserving authors out the recs this round, but it's only because I've reached my 26 rec goal. Sorry svz_insanity. You're just too prolific a writer! I'll try to get another post out during Spring Break.

hikaru no go

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