Title: Siblings
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Booster, Michelle
Pairing(s): N/A
Word Count: 328
Genre: general/family
Rating: G/K
Notes: Written for
madripoor_rose who requested something for Michelle and Booster's birthday on 12/29. Spoilers for the first few pages of Booster Gold 15.
Link: N/A
Booster smiled as he watched his sister sleep. It had just struck midnight, marking the beginning of the twenty-ninth or December, their shared birthday. The first birthday in a long while that he would be able to share with his sister. He frowned; though the thought was a happy one, Rip was making him work on his birthday.
He had been pissed, but Booster insisted that Michelle have the day off. He may not be able to spend the day with her that way, but at least he had the piece of mind that she was alive to celebrate their birthday. That was enough for him.
Running a hand through his hair, Booster placed a rolled up sheet of paper tied with a gold ribbon on Michelle's nightstand. “Happy birthday, sis,” he whispered before leaving to go on his time mission.
When Booster shut the door, Michelle slowly blinked her eyes open groggily. “Michael?” she questioned then sat up and noticed the paper beside her bed. “Huh?”
Michelle slowly untied the ribbon and let the paper unfurl to find the picture of herself, the one that had inspired the Mona Lisa. There was a small piece of paper inside the roll of paper that was her picture, and it bore her brother's familiar scrawl.
“Thought you'd wanna keep this. Uh, I am sorry that I didn't let you stay to get your picture finished. I'll make it up to you; I promise, starting with you have off today. Rip had a mission for me, but I insisted you not go, so go have some fun for the both of us, okay? Love, Michael.”
Michelle smiled as she laid the note on her side table before carefully rolling the picture up again. She glanced at her clock. It was a few minutes after midnight. She was sure she could catch up with her brother. What good is sharing a birthday if there was no one to share it with?