First real three pages!!
I tried to do another one, but didn't make it in time since I planned to have it scanned and post to day.
But I'll try to get them done real soon! Though I got a bunch of homework due this coming week! (But that can't hold me down no it can't!)
And I'm sorry. not all of them is going to be in color from this point on.
There will still be some, just not all...
Toni needs sleep. The same goes for me :P
And since I notice that I haven't post these.
Another sketches for characters appearing.
Yao is Toni's homeroom teacher and Kiku is a teacher assistant.
Arthur is in the same grade as Gilbert. (At this point in the story, Francis is in 12th Toni in 11th Gilbert in 10th) (But this is NOT a high school AU)
Heracles....I'll let you guess what does he has to do with the story ^v^.
Thank you!
*if it's hard to understand or something, do tell me. I'll try to improve it!