Extra long weekend

Jul 05, 2011 09:51

I took Friday off... it was my standard every other Friday, so that worked nicely for me. Keira and I had a nice sleep-in and mostly just played together until Mom came over and the three of us met Mike for lunch. Mmmmm... Mediterranean food. Keira was quite pleased to spend her time there eating/playing with her puffs.

Once we got home, I vacuumed the living room while Keira and Mom played. And once Keira went down for a nap, I Mom and I got my swing dress pattern traced. We had *just* enough time to do that before The Mumpkey woke up.

Dinner at Grandma's in the evening. Keira had lots of crawling time and playing time. She scared herself a bit at one point because she was trying to push herself up using one of her balls, and of course it rolled from under her and she flipped onto her back. Major tears ensued, but rather than rush to her side I let Mike pick her up and try to console her before calmly and slowly making my way to take her from him. It wasn't easy, but I've been trying to let him do more of that kind of thing rather than taking over immediately.

Later in the evening, after I'd gotten her to sleep and had grabbed some dessert and relaxation time for myself, apparently Keira woke up again. I kind of knew she had because I heard Mike go into the room where she was, but once again decided to let it go and relax. Apparently, Mike spent a bit of time just laying with her and singing to her and managed to get her back to sleep. Yay for him! And yay for me! I tend to be the Mama Bear and step in even when I really don't need to, so while it was hard not to run back and check up on them, I'm glad I didn't.

We met Wes and Ryann at Felixes on Saturday... because we could. Keira once again enjoyed herself with her Puffs, but I also gave her bits of my plantains and potatoes, which she mostly chewed on and then discarded... over and over again. She had a fabulous time. I think she especially liked that she was eating the big people food. After breakfast, Ryann and I took Keira to shop since Ryann wanted to spoil her a bit. Unfortunately, the boutique didn't have a lot in her size... above and below, but not 12 month. Ah well. We did find a little tank top and a flower for her hair for that evening.

The rest of the day we played by ear, but it wound up being an impromptu day with Wes and Ryann. We hit Babies 'R' Us after we left Orange because it was really time to get the second stroller for Keira. We found one that hit all the points we wanted (easy to collapse, lightweight, cup holders for us, big storage basket, stands on its own, a little bit sturdier than our other stroller). Ryann was on a mission to find shoes for Keira, but unfortunately that didn't pan out because my baby has wide feet like her father. It's gonna suck for her later on, but for now I'm just going to keep her barefoot until she's more ready to really walk.

We took some time to head to the pool after we got done with all our shopping. Keira handled her first pool experience fairly well. She was a bit confused and concerned, and she was very clingy with me, but there was no fussing or crying. She eventually allowed Ryann and Mike to take her for brief amounts of time, but ultimately she mostly wanted me to hold her.

In the evening, we headed over to Peter's birthday luau. We got Keira all dressed up in her little dress that Ryann had gotten her from Hawaii and fancied up her hair with the plumeria we'd gotten at the boutique, and she looked darned good. Keira had a grand time getting love and attention from everybody. She was a little leery at first, but once she warmed up she thoroughly enjoyed herself, as did we. We made it just long enough to have cake before we really needed to get Keira home, tired baby that she was.

Wes and Ryann kidnapped Keira and took her to church with them on Sunday so Ryann's family could finally meet The Mumpkey. It also gave Mike and me some time to just be with eachother, which was so very welcome. Don't get me wrong, I missed my baby girl, but it was still wonderful to have it be just the two of us for a day.

Mom did come over later in the afternoon, and the two of us worked on cutting out all of the projects I want to make. I got the mockup for the swing dress cut, and also Keira's dress, slip, bonnet, and another hat. Mom also drafted a flutter sleeve to go with my swing dress as I'll be wearing it in August and it's about the only style sleeve I think I can handle when it's hot out.

Our baby girl was returned to us around dinner time. Unfortunately, she had refused to nap except in the car, so we had an overstimulated and overtired baby on our hands. She was just wound up and yet clingy. Luckily, once she went to sleep she stayed that way. I spent the rest of the evening goofing off on WoW. I ran the new World Shaman quest with Mike's help and got a really awesome cloak for Phiphi out of it.

4th of July
We spent the morning relaxing and riding herd on a very tired and hungry baby. She was down for a half-hour nap by about 10, and then again for a two-hour nap between 11:30 and noon, between which she ate so much that she drained me dry and I had to resort to giving her a bottle! I'm thinking growth spurt. She's more or less due for one right about now.

Since Keira was a tired girl, we actually had to wake her up in order to head out to Collin and Janet's for their BBQ and pool time. I'm glad we got there when we did since it gave me a chance to chop up fruit for a fruit salad and Keira had time to settle in before everybody else arrived. Keira had a blast crawling about, and later eating chunks of nectarine, mango, and pear. We also tried her on whole blueberries, and she loved those too. Looks like I have a fruit girl after all... it just has to be whole fruit, not pureed.

Unfortunately, pool time did not go so well this time around. Keira was apparently more tired than I realized, and I think she was also having a hard time with the glare of the sun on the water. Too bright, too much stimulation, cranky baby. She wound up melting down pretty quickly, but calmed down a bit once she was in the shade. I took her back to the house and she was able to fall asleep once I had nursed her, and got a good half-hour nap on the couch. Poor tired little mite!

We headed home relatively early, just before full dark. Needless to say, things were pretty chaotic in our neighborhood when we got home. I had a job on my hands getting Keira to sleep, but once she was down none of the noises bothered her. She did, however, wake up around 3 a.m. which is now unusual for her. She's been sleeping completely through the night (about 3-10 hours at a stretch) for the past couple of weeks. Not last night. Worse, she couldn't get herself settled after I fed her, so I spent a ton of time trying to rock her and then pat her... nothing. I finally dragged her to bed with us around 3:45 because it was obviously not going to work.

I was smart enough to take a couple hours of vacation time today so that I could sleep in for an hour and then leave an hour early. Thank goodness I had the foresight to do that! Keira had a bit of a fussy morning. She howled when I cleaned her face (typical) and then again when I did her hair (not so typical). :::sigh::: Once I got her to the daycare, she was mostly okay until she took a small tumble when she lost her grip on the small table she was standing at. She wasn't hurt, just scared, and took a lot of soothing before she'd let me put her down. But once I had her back up at the table, she was all smiles again and didn't mind me leaving the room one bit.

I think I'll use my hour off wisely and get myself my groceries for the week, and then maybe get a quick nap before Mike picks up Keira (assuming he doesn't work more than an hour of overtime today).
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