This is
iris_13's fault.
1. Total number of books I've owned: This is a fairly large number. I've got about 30 RPG titles (ranging from Paladium, to Hackmaster, to D&D, and the odd White Wolf print), something like 200 pieces of fiction and roughly 20 textbooks. So, something like 250 books. I guess that's not THAT big of a number... but it's a lot bigger than MOST of my friends.
2. Last book I bought:The last two books I bought were both ADHD books (they were bought at the same time). They were
this and
this I have started, but have not finished either of those yet.
3. Last book I read:I know you're expecting me to say something like "see #2" but actually I'm reading
Cryptonomicon right now (for something like the 10th time).
4. 5 books that mean a lot to me: This is an odd asortment.... (here they are in no particular order)
Masters of Doom Great read about the creation of a video game genre. When I'm feeling like I'm in a pit and I'm never going to make anything of myself, I read this book and I feel like I can take on the world. It's written very very well and I never get tired of it (even though I've read it about 4 times now).
HHGTTG Classic Adams. Classic Sci-Fi humor. Overall Classic. A great read. I've only read it about 12 times.
iii.) Crytponomicon -- this book has a similar effect on me as Masters of Doom. I love the humor in it. I love the geekyness of it. I just love this book.
The Bachman Books This is what I firmly believe is King's best work. Say what you want about The Stand or It, The Long Walk is passionate and evil at same time, Rage is angry and telling and was written long before Kliebold and Harris had their stint. The Running Man is a lot of The Fugitive-type fun. A great read.
v.) (it's hard to narrow this to five, btw)
Cuckoo's Egg" This is not a book to read if you only have five minutes to read at a time. This book draws you in and won't let go. (was that a cliche? sorry.) I really really loved this book. Only read it about 3 times now.
Very honorable mentions go to Good Omens, Lord of the Rings, Snow Crash, Neuromancer, and many many more.
5. Five people to take up the memoid and answer in their own LJ:
No idea.... I'll put
shippo, and
chaoschick down because I'm curious of their answers.
There you go, hope you enjoyed my geek-out.