Sorry - they are really quite big, but y'all have cable anyway right~? ^^;;aa
The opening of the concert; Babyvox dressed in traditional hanbok attire
Lee Hyori!!! She was really pretty *^^* My friend Jinah saw her the other day in city at a shoe sale #%(#_
Another Hyori - kind of blurry >_O
The only good pic of Babyvox I took. Would you believe Jinah ALSO saw Babyvox -_- She went to this Korean restuarant just off George St for dinner and they were there... She said that although Heejin and EZ were pretty, Eunjin's hair is like sooo bad (like if she touched it, it would have shattered), Miyoun looked anorexic and that Eunhye was cute but nothing really special. The group asked people not to take photo because they weren't wearing any makeup, but no one was especially excited by their presence.. ^^;;;
Boa ^^; it was crazy when she came on; she's so popular ^^; She kept dancing so much ~~ it was difficult to take good pics =_=''
My camera pretty much ran out of battery by this point ;_; I didn't care so much about missing the remainder of Boa's performance, but SHINhwA WAS NEXT??!?! TT_____TT
Everyone is telling me stories about how they ran into various singers in the city this week TT___TT I mean, Jinah seeing Hyori and Babyvox... and Hayley? SHINHWA came to her Dad's RESTUARANT!??! Even the woman at the Korean grocery store?? She's like telliing my mum how after the concert, Shinhwa came out to the carpark to meet fans #)(*_##%(*)#%_*# ???? TT______TT!!!!!!!! I mean dammit! I never get brushes with fame #(*%)(#*%_#