Title: The Grump and the Harpy
fifmeisterFandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Nathaniel Howe/Velanna
Spoilers: Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening
Notes: Squeezing in under the free month deadline! It's still June 30 here, anyway.
Your ears are clownish )
Comments 2
The Nathaniel/Velanna banter caught my attention when I played DA:A, also, and I agree that they have the most interesting potential as a pairing of all the Awakening companions. Too bad that there isn't much fanwork for them -- it seems that Velanna isn't written about much, in general. I'm new enough to the fandom that I haven't ventured many experiments yet, but maybe someday, when I start exploring more...
maybe someday, when I start exploring more...
I would love to see what you come up with! :D
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